Chapter Eleven- Date?

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I will continue ^.^


Warning: short chapter >.<


~Felix's POV~

I waited outside my house and finally Marzia came.

"Hi," I greeted.

"Hi," she said back.

"Is your eye okay?"

"Yeah," she assured.

"No one likes them," I laughed.

She smiled. "Well Ty and Jason are alright..."

"At least there's some good in them... Anyways, do you want to go now because it's getting dark?"

"Sure," we hopped in my car and drove off towards the park. (A/N: magical teenagers driving cars... MAGIC :D)

~magical time skip~

(Still Felix's POV)

I parked the car and got out. We walked to a bench and say down. I don't think she noticed we were holding hands...

"The sun is setting," she smiled again.

"It's pretty," I smiled as well.

We looked at each other. We started to lean in...


And then we kissed. Sparks flew.

(Random POV change)

~Marzia's POV~

We leaned in and kissed. It just happened. My stomach filled with butterflies.

We pulled away and looked at each other.

"So... Are we dating?" Felix asked.

I smiled. "Yes." I answered.

IM SO SORRY ITS FRIGGIN SHORT >.< I wanted to end it there, yet it's like to sentences long xD deal wif it bruh. Anyways, you know what to do with the comments and vote button :P. Peace! ✌️


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