Chapter 12- Back To School... Great...

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Why do I suck at making chapter names?? Only god knows why I guess *shrugs*

~Kalel's POV~

I walked I to school with (A/N: here comes a lot of people so try not to die)

Anthony, Ian, Melanie, Mari, Joven, Matt and David.

(A/N: did you make it? If you're reading this apparently you did)

We were all talking about random stuff since we were bored.

"So how did your 'guys night out' go?" I made quotations with my fingers.

"Oh man it was the best!" Ian fist pumped the air.

"It must be Opposite Day..." Mumbled Anthony. I giggled.

We finally reached the building and walked inside. Most of us had to split up because our lockers are in different spots.

I walk up to my locker and see Marzia talking to Felix.

I tried to ignore their conversation so I wouldn't be rude, but since they're standing right there, it's kinda hard to...

"Look, we shouldn't tell anyone yet, just wait a while, okay?" Felix told Marzia.

Wait. Don't tell anyone what?

"Okay," she agreed.

They both said bye and Felix walked off and Marzia turned towards her locker.

Her face reddened. "Oh, I didn't know you were there..."

"So what was Felix talking about 'not telling anyone'? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone, I promise," I told her.

She looked around making sure no one was eavesdropping.

"You promise?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"Okay... Well Felix and I... Are dating," she said quietly.

~Marzia's POV~

I just told Kalel that me and Felix started dating. I hope she won't tell anyone, but she's my best friend. She wouldn't.

She gasped and started freaking out.

"Oh my god!! You guys are dating?!"

I shushed her. "Yes, but DON'T tell anyone," I reminded.

"Okay, but that's so cute!" She squealed.

I laughed, but then the bell rang and we had to walk to class. On the way there she started asking me questions.

When did you start dating?

Did you kiss?

"Kalel shut up," I laughed.

We got to class and sat down in our seats, but of course TC comes and sits around us.

"What's up?" Adam smirked.

"The ceiling," Kalel replied.

"No dip Sherlock. And I wasn't talking to you," he squinted at her.

"So what's this I heard in the hall, 'did you kiss' ?" Jerome smiled evilly.

"What?" I acted like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Apparently you kissed someone?"


"You liar,"

I didn't say anything.

"Hey Ian, you did pretty good to her eye," Adam complimented.

"I know right?" He replied.

Class started and we went on with the day.

Sorry it's kinda short again, but my weekend is booked, and it's kinda hard to write whilst at a sleepover lol. But ye. I'm still writing so don't freak :P Also, we hit 900 reads!! 100 away till 1k!! Should I do something special?? :3 lemme know :) so anyways, ye know what to do, so peace! ✌️


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