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remember moderation. challenge yourself but not to the point of breaking down. work hard, but don't feel guilty for doing things leisurely and taking breaks, too. eat your greens and drink water, but there is nothing wrong with endulging yourself with fatty junk food once in a while. if it is past one in the morning and you're still struggling with a piece of homework, let go. go to sleep, and remember school assignments are only as important as you let them be.

yes, positivity is important and the best way to conquer hate is to be kind, but i understand if you feel like shit and it is impossible to drown out the devils whispering in your ear. you cannot always be happy. you cannot always be the good guy, someone who has their back permanently straight. sometimes we give up. sometimes we surrender to the darkness and light seems to forget our existence. but that is okay. it is okay to be vulnerable. to feel weak. to cry oceans and pour out the feelings you've been bottling up for so long. let it out. you are human. we are all human with an equal amount of love and hate and all these emotions etched into our hearts. accept yourself, be self-aware, and when you start to fall into the dark pit of self-deprecation, catch yourself and try your best to help your own mental health. understand that everyone has dark periods in their life, and you shouldn't feel guilty about not being happy. take care of yourself. there is no right way to live life. and it is okay to make mistakes. to fall down. you can always learn and move on, and rise to your feet again. but take your time, one thing at a time . . . don't force yourself to anything you feel uncomfortable about, explore the boundaries of your comfort zone slowly, if that is what you prefer. moderation, remember? there is always some bad to the good, some good to the bad. take a deep breath, and instead of just pushing away negative thoughts and feelings that are often deemed as bad to have — such as hate, jealousy, sadness — comb through them, try to understand why you are feeling like this, how you can make your way out of the storm.  you can do this.

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