Ota: One

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"Asuka! Time to get up! You've got that plane ride in a few hours!" My mom yelled, waking me up.

I groaned and tried going back to sleep as she called my name a few more times. I heard the opening of my door, causing a bright light to flood in and me to cover my face with my six blankets.

"Asuka, sweetie, you gotta wake up. Your mom made blueberry pancakes..."

"Trying to bribe me, eh Pop?"

I listened to the sound of my dad's chuckles, "nothing gets past you, Asuka. Oh, but did I mention that there's applesauce with extra cinnamon waiting to go on those pancakes? Or that Tomoe and Takeo have been eyeballing it for the past few minutes and it could be going at them as we speak?"

I flung the covers off of me and held out my arms, "Carry me, Noble Knight, and I'll push cat box duty on Mom while I'm gone. You'll never have to scoop Tama's litter ever again..."

 He smiled and picked me up princess style and laughed with me as we flew downstairs to the kitchen.


I jumped out of my dad's arms as I saw my younger siblings about to touch my plate of pancakes.

"Hold it right there you little monsters! I see the chocolate all over your faces, you've had your share!"

Tomoe stuck out her tongue while Takeo quickly tried to wipe his face with a napkin, his cheeks flushing brighter than the strawberries in the bowl beside him.

"Sorry, Sissy..."

Tomoe flicked Takeo's forehead, "If you're gonna be a troublemaker then you need to follow my lead and stop being so polite."

Takeo frowned, "But Mommy and Daddy said I shouldn't be rude and make faces... especially at Sissy..."

I smiled as the two started bickering and ate my applesauce covered blueberry pancakes.

Takeo and Tomoe are my adorable seven-year-old twin siblings. Takeo is a total cutie and is just so kind and polite. He's the poster child for a well-behaved kid. Tomoe, on the other hand, is... well... she's... something. 

"Alright, that is enough you two."

They both jumped back in surprise and bowed their heads, "Sorry, Mommy..." The apologized in unison. 

Dad laughed as Mom began scolding them- mainly Tomoe.

I finished scarfing down my breakfast then looked at the clock on the wall.

"I better get dressed and going. I'll be down soon!" I yelled as I went back upstairs.


"Okay, mom. I get it. I gotta go, I'm almost late!" I whine as she attempts to comb my hair.

"I know, sweetie, but you'll be gone for the whole vacation. Three weeks! My little baby, all alone in Tokyo..."

I roll my eyes, "Mom, I'll be fine. Mizu and Ume will be with me, and so will Ume's uncle- a responsible adult who you've met like, a hundred times now. Tell her, Dad."

He looked at me like "why you tryna do this to me" and just sighed, "We did tell her she could go. She did all her required chores, she planned everything out in advance and presented it in a slideshow, to put us at ease, and yes, we have known Kyohei for years now..."

It was my mom's turn to sigh, "I know, I know... Alright, sweetie. Have fun on your trip. Just... Don't break any stolen expensive French artworks. And avoid any billionaire CEOs. Or womanizing thieves. Or Hong Kong mobsters. Or apathetic cops. And especially famous blonde artists."

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