Eisuke: Sixteen

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"Huh? What's this? A bracelet? Thanks, Ayacchan! It's gorgeous!"

Yuuji Ayase pushed up his thick-rimmed glasses and gave a large thumbs up, "Of course! Nothing but the best for my girl!"

I let out a giggle and tucked a lock of chestnut hair out of my face, "I'm the luckiest girl in the world!"

He laughed along with me but quickly muttered, "Hopefully when you wear it it'll stop you from hitting on every guy you meet..."

I pretended not to hear him and nuzzled against my boyfriend's cheek, "Ayacchan! I wanna spend the night! I brought a spare change of clothes in my purse and everything! I want to sleep with you!"

Ayase blushed hard enough to be mistaken for a tall glass of tomato juice, "Ka-Katsumi! You shouldn't be so blunt about it..."

"Eh? I'm just talking about sleeping next to each other," I gave a teasing smirk, "What were YOU thinking about, perv?"


I moved on to his lap, throwing my arms around his neck and bringing my cherry pink lips up to his ear, "Ka-ka-ka?" I taunted.

Just as the son of my dad's mortal enemy was about to finally let loose and rail me like a goddamn freight train, my phone rings.


I nipped the brunet boy's neck before reaching over and answering, "Katsumi Baba speaking, what's your fucking problem?" I said in a chipper singsong voice.

"It's Isao. Listen, Eito's coming over in about twenty-five minutes. Do you think you can mentally prep Kurumi in that amount of time?"

"...Why aren't you asking Nana?"

"She and her dad are having bonding time. I think they're at his apartment watching baseball while he chain-smokes with the windows closed."

"Ah, gotcha. Well, I was about to let Ayase bone me so hard that I end up being another one of Lisa's creepy skeleton models, but if you insist... I should be there at the hotel in less than fifteen. That should leave more than enough time. Anywho, see ya later, Issy!" He ended the phone call as soon as I said his childhood nickname in a kissy voice.

I heard a sigh as I began to straighten myself up, "Katsumi, you are a cruel woman..."

I rolled my eyes and removed myself from his thighs, "I'll make it up to you later, honey. For now..." I tugged on the hem of my skirt to tease him, "Don't start without me. Be my good boy and wait till I get back."

As I made my way towards the detective son's window to make my escape, I felt him tug on my wrist, "Need something, Ayacchan?"

He went beet red again. God, he was so cute when he blushed. 

"Um, could you do that thing I like before you go?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Right now? I don't know, honey... You're looking pretty blue there as it is..."

He looked away bashfully, "Please... Kitty."

His use of his secret nickname for me was all it took. I gave him my sweetest, most genuine of smiles and gazed up into his dark eyes, "I love you, Yuuji."

He melted at the words and snaked his arms around my waist, giving me a gentle kiss on the top of my head, "I love you too, Kitty."

We ended our embrace and I opened the window, "Tell your dad I said hi."

"Kitty, I worship you, but hell no, I am not doing that."

I laughed.


I entered the 50th floor of the Tres Spades (the one renovated and reserved exclusively for the children of Uncle Eisuke's friends and one of two favored hangouts in the hotel for said children) and spotted Kurumi sitting next to each other on the infamous black sofa (there was an incident involving the couch with me, Isao, Nana, Asuka, a ten-pound tub of guacamole, some shears, a basket of zip ties, and a hot glue gun a few years back but we don't talk about "Russian Game Night" unless we plan on getting put on trial for treason and possible war crimes against the nation of Lithuania.)

Even from like, ten feet away I could tell they had fun last night, "Oi! Lisa! You sure move fast there, doncha?"

Kurumi blushed as I was walked over and Lisa through a protective arm around her, "I will not have you embarrassing my lady," she glared.

My palms faced the ceiling in surrender, "I'm like... I don't know, seventy-eight percent sure your scrawny ass could fuck me up and not in a fun way, so don't worry. I won't kill your post-coital bliss."

"Speaking of intercourse, why aren't you off somewhere doing that instead of bothering me and Pretty Bones?"

My happy ass fell on a nearby chair, "Issy called. Said he's bringing Mini-Eisuke back and wanted me to help chill Mini-Yui the fuck out."

Kurumi nearly fell off of the sofa, "He's what?! Nana said he would be living at Isao's for a bit..."

I shrugged, "Don't ask me, dude. I'm just here to deliver a message... And possibly see another showdown. I wanna see if your brother's chair-throwing abilities are strong enough to break Uncle's one inch."

She choked on air, "His WHAT?!"

Lisa gave me a death glare that sent shivers down my spine but not in the sexy way, "She's referring to the shatterproof windows. One more unclever quip out of you, Miss Baba, and I'm afraid I'll be forced to check your brain for damage."

I laughed nervously and wished I had Asuka there to comfort me. She was objectively the nicest out of all of us. Which is weird considering her dad is asshole President McFurry of the country of "I wanna fuck an anthropomorphic dog girl."

I almost felt bad for thinking that of him, but then again it's Ota Kisaki and somebody has to be real here.

"When do you think my brother's gonna be here?" The nervous mousy brunette asked me.

"Oh, I'd say probably..."

The elevator chimed as it opened.


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