Chapter 1- Water, Run, Hide!

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Akira's POV

"Mommy, no mommy please, get up" My 8 year old self cries, shaking my mom. She scurries over to her dad, "Daddy? Daddy please get up" She whines.

"Akira? Akira!" I hear a voice say, followed by a violent shake, then continuous shakes until my eyes snap open. I look around and spot Lucas's worried look above me. I'm sweating like someone who just ran a marathon. I immediately relax, I'm not on the seashore. I'm not 8 anymore, I'm 16.

My parents died fighting in the Mermaidian Armageddon. I was the only one in the royal family that survived that night. Before my dad died, he placed a ring inside my palms and instructed me to always wear it and never take it off.


"Akira?" My dad said weakly.

"I'm here, daddy" I croaked.

"Take this ring, always wear it on your index finger and never take it off unless you want to go back into the sea. This ring will help you stay human even when you get wet. This is how your mother managed to live with me" He instructed and the tears just continued spilling out. My parents were dying before my eyes and I couldn't do anything but to just kneel and watch.

After he spoke, he breathe his last and died.


Ever since that happened, I had nightmares occasionally but I rarely dreamt about my parents death.

"You okay?" Lucas asked me, handing me a glass of water. I gulp down the liquid and smile at him.

"I'm good, just another nightmare" I smile nervously. He laid down next to me and stroked my chin with his thumb and placed a kiss on my hair and I blush at his caring action.

"I'll always protect you" He said in reassurance and I just smile against his chest.

I hope you can fulfill your promise.


"Akira!" Jerome yells from behind me. Okay, let's just get this straight. I hardly have time for girls, even though I am one. All of my friends are boys well except for my best friend's sister, Amber. I have zero tolerance for stupidity and I'm the school's quarterback.

"Hey Jerome" I smile and high five him as he approaches me. His full lips are in a huge smile as we walk together to class.

Lucas was seated in the back of the class, hanging out and flirting as usual with all those hopeless romantics that would kill to get a taste of Lucas Stewart.

"Hey Akira" He said, turning his attention away from the desperate brunette by his side. I smile then nudge him and flick my nose to the direction of the brunette and he smirks and gets back to work.

I'm pretty sure he's gonna get in her pants anytime soon. Yeah, that's my best friend for you.

"Alright, who can tell me the history of the last war Napoleon fought before he met his tragic end? Remember I told you guys in the last class to read it up on page 326 in your history textbook" Mr Claude said.

"Okay, how about you Emma?" He said, pointing at the brunette that sat beside Lucas. She got up nervously and begun talking about some shit that no one even knew about but she seems to be making sense to our history teacher.

"Wonderful! I see someone's been reading their books" Mr Claude commented gleefully. Emma sat down happily on her seat and resumed what she and Lucas started.

Well, you know this thing writers normally say? Um, you know, The Good Girls like the Bad Boys? And the Bad Boys like the Good Girls? Well Lucas and Emma are living proof, even though Lucas is just playing Emma.

Emma's the school's A+ star. She helps the school win trophies by going on all those smarty pants quizzes. She even went on the NASA's genius quiz in South Africa and won. Pretty smart if you asked me but she is totally head over heels for the school's notorious bad boy, Lucas Stewart. He hardly goes to class unless I force him but in the end he has good grades, all thanks to me. He's in a biker gang and dresses in bad ass leather jackets and ripped jeans.

"Akira? What are you thinking about?" Lucas asked worriedly. He's the only one and of course, his parents too, that knows about my nightmares and even the way they creep into my day dreams.

"I'm fine" I whine, "You worry too much" I added.

"That's because you're my best friend, you're like family" He smiles. I'm the only person whom he gets emotional with. I've actually seen him cry more times than Michael Jackson has received Grammy's. That's if Grammy's were even existing by then.

"You're just too good to me" I laugh. He cocks his brow at me and grins.

"I could be bad if you'd like me too" He grins and I immediately catch on.

"Ew, no way" I revert. There's no way I'm gonna sleep with my best friend. The tension would be excess. He laughs and ruffles my raven black hair.



"Lucas, stop it! Don't let that water touch me!" I yell, running maniacally from my best friend who was holding a hose, trying to completely drench me in water. I couldn't let water touch me, not when I'm not wearing my protector ring.

"Why are you so scared of the water?" Lucas chuckled. Oh Lucas, I wish I could tell you but I can't trust anyone with this secret, not even my best friend.

I hide behind the bushes and spot Lucas searching for me behind the car and I immediately run up to the direction of the entrance to the house. Damn it! I step on puddles in my way back. Ten seconds before, I transform.



I run up the stairs, skipping few steps like a boss.



I run into my room and slam the door shut, making sure it's locked.



"Whoa" I yelp as I hit the floor. My blue tail comes into view as I transform into my other half. Dang, I'm gonna take hours to dry. I drag myself to the side table and pick up my ring and put it on my left index finger. It had some decorations in it but my dad called it 'Ancient Writing'. Hmph, just looks like dots and curves to me. Merpeople are weird.

A/N: Hey guys, welcome to MBFIAM. Yeah, another of my stories that's if you've read TIB. So this is chapter is just a synopsis of the lead characters in the story but we'll soon get to meet other characters as we move on. Thanks.


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