Chapter 7- The Journey To The Mystic Meadows

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Akira's POV

So yesterday, the elders told us, well me, that we have to attain three things if we are ever going to be able to defeat King Minos; The gem of life, the staff of the Minolan Dynasty and the crown of King Minos. Yup, sounds like mission impossible to me but I guess it's my duty to all my people.

"Okay so every trace of the camp has been destroyed, we have to go now. Minos's men probably saw you and are coming after us" Ari said and picked up the bag of supplies and we all nodded.

We swam out of the crystal cove into the open sea. The scary -super scary- open sea.

"Okay so where the hell did they say the mystic meadows are?" Dane asked and I looked up, trying to remember.

"You have the map, stupid" Ari cussed. Well excuse me?

"North" I snapped and Ari just glared at me. Suzy looked back and forth between I and Ari then just shook her head.

"Are you guys done with your stare off?" Suzy whined and Ari just swam past us heading north with the compass and we followed suit.


King Minos's POV

"Bah! Where is she?" I yelled, throwing my golden cup of wine at one of my soldiers who was kneeling before me.

"I-I-I couldn't sto-to-op her, your kinglyness, Sir" Eros, my most trusty guard stammered.

"You couldn't stop a 16 year old?!" I yelled, my voice booming through the castle making my beautiful daughter by my side flinch.

"Daddy... Will you stop yelling?" She shrieked angrily and my expression softened.

"Of course, my princess. Anything for you" I said softly and she grinned and cackled happily.

"Daddy, I want Akira found and I want her to be my slave!" She shrieked happily and I laughed.

"Soon my dear, soon" I smiled wickedly.

"Not soon! Now!" She whined, making me almost want to cover my ears.

"You heard her!" I yelled at Eros, "Find her and bring her, alive!".


Akira's POV

"Here we are, The Mystic Meadows" Ari gulped and we all stared at the navy blue sea ahead of us.

"How is it possible for this part of the sea to be cobalt and then the mystic meadows are navy blue?" I asked curiously.

"That's why it's mystic" Ari snapped. Okay, I've had enough.

"You know it wouldn't hurt if you could stop being a bitch, now and then" I yelled and there was an uncomfortable silence. Ariana glared at me with a bit of surprise but mostly anger.

"You shouldn't have said that-" Suzy trailed but I cut her off.

"Said what? The truth? Ever since I arrived, she has done nothing but hate, insult and reject me! Why? Just because I'm royalty?!" I yell, about to cry. It just hurt my feelings, okay?

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