Epilogue- King Nakira

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Akira's POV

There was commotion in the palace. Plates and pots clanging and banging on the floors. It was Nakira's coronation day and I was supervising it. I need it to be perfect and well organized. Suzy and some palace workers were currently handling the decorations while Ariana and the chefs were handling the cooking. Dane was with Nakira, prepping him for the big day.

Royal advisor duties.

"Come on guys, this coronation is starting in a few hours. We got to finish up and dress properly" I ordered, clapping my hands to get peoples attention. The coronation was going to take place on the surface of the sea. So that both the humans and Merpeople could witness it.

After the whole incident with Minos, the human world found out about Merpeople and were fascinated. They send in divers to come visit in Mermaidia and other underwater dynasties. Lucas was totally shocked when I explained everything to him. But amber was totally head over heels for my story.

She was glad that I was a mermaid and she would always want me to transform whenever we go to the beach. Melody and Kennedy still accepted me in their home even when I wasn't what they thought I was.

I'm half human and half mermaid.

"Akira! The coral sticks are ready!" Ariana yelled from the kitchen. She prepared five thousand coral sticks in two hours and I am impressed. I took a bite out a coral stick and my taste buds exploded.

"Ariana this is the best batch I've ever tasted" I commented, stealing another coral stick and she swatted my hand with a spoon.

"Now I have to make two more coral sticks to accommodate the guests. I wanna make my home baked seaweed cookies with a touch of fish flakes" She said proudly, turning the seaweed batter.

"I hope it turns out great" I grin, walking out of the kitchen. "How's the decorations?" I ask as I walk into the palace. An after party would take place in the palace and it needs to glow. They would still need to decorate the podium that would be taken up to the surface where the coronation would take place.

"It's going good" Suzy said, placing a big blue bow on one of the pillars. She was doing a blue and orange themed decoration. Blue was the color of Nakira's tail and orange was the color of Ariana's tail.

Wink wink. I totally ship them. Wouldn't be bad to have Ariana as a sister in-law. If I mention this to Nakira, he would probably blush to the color of Ariana's tail.

I knock on my brother's room door. I hear shuffling before the door opens.

"Hey sis" My brother said, dragging me into the room and shutting the door. He could disheveled and nervous as hell. He looks like he's been asleep the whole time. I turn to my left to see Dane asleep on the bed.

That son of a snail. Came in here to crash while the coronation is in a few hours.

"What the actual hell!" I yell, thumbing my brother's forehead. He yelps in pain while holding his forehead. He looked at me like a homeless puppy while pouting.

"Cut the crap and get dressed! It's your coronation day and I want it to be perfect" I whined, pushing my brother into his bathroom, closing the door.

"Dane!" I yelled. He jumped off the bed, looking like nemo when he was lost. I chuckled at his clueless character and shook my head.

"You were supposed to be helping Nakira get ready as his royal advisor. Tsk" I said, shaking my head in disapproval. He looked like he was feeling bad and was scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry princess" He said sweetly, making me smile. I love his apologetic character. Any snail would fall head over heels for him.

"It's okay. Just wait for him to get out and prep him up, okay?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and left the room.

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