Chapter 15- An Elderly Advice

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Akira's POV

Day... I wasn't even counting. Only God knows how long this shiz has been going on. I'm pretty sure Lucas's family may have lost hope in finding me. They may have already organized a burial for the so proclaimed missing girl.

I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see me again. Lucas may squeeze me to death then shout at me until I become deaf. About how worried he was about me and how I could do this to him and blah blah blah.

"Akira, you ready to go see the elders again?" Ari asked me, stuffing more coral bars into my patented seaweed pouch. I nodded and stuffed the map and compass into the same pouch.

"You be careful now" Nakira said in my ear as he hugged me goodbye. I smiled and let go of him.

"And you be careful with Ariana now" I whispered to only our hearing. He immediately flushed red and rolled his eyes. I laughed and waved them goodbye one last time before I was out of sight.

"Okay, the crystal cove shouldn't be far from here right? Right" I said rhetorically. I swam past the dreaded carousel of confusion. I shuddered visibly when I remembered the chaos that happened in those very waters.

I saw a bright light shine from a mile away. The Crystal Cove! I swam with all my might but came to a screeching halt when I saw those two boneheaded manta rays.

Anger immediately filled me when I remembered my near concussion event. Hold on? What was that spell Nakira was teaching me? It sounded like specktra... I can't remember the other one.

Specktra.. Speck... Specktra Petrolus.... Specktra Petrolus! Yes! Suddenly courage filled my insides and I bounced out of hiding.

"Manta rays, fear me!" I yelled courageously, walking towards them.

"Checkmate! Haha!" The bigger looking ray cried in victory while the other one crossed his winglike hands across his flat chest.

"Whatever" It pouted.

I cleared my throat, "I said, manta rays, fear me!".

"Did you hear something?" The sulking one asked, looking everywhere except where I stood confidently.

"Maybe it's the wind" The other concluded and they both shrugged.

Really? Then I'll just have to swim in then. I swam right past them while they continued their game of chess. I rolled my eyes angrily and swam into the cove.

So much for trying to show courage.

I swam into the familiar halls with the weird paintings and huge door. I recited the chant and the huge door opened.

"Come in my dear, we've been expecting you" The same elder that addressed me when I first came said to me and I swam in.

"Sure because you're so omniscient" I said sarcastically while he just chuckled with his authoritative voice.

"Still sassy as always" He smiled and I forced mine. Why I act like this you ask? Because I didn't ask for my fate to be like this. I was very comfortable living my life with Lucas's family; Kennedy, Melody, Amber and Lucas. The four best people in the world. Oh and Jerome.

"Cut to the chase since you already know why I'm here" I said and the other elders murmured unintelligibly. I rolled my eyes at them and faced the elder in front of me, well just that he's 40 feet away from me.

"How rude" A female elder spoke up from the auditorium. The oldest elder -whom was talking to me- rose up his right hand and she shut up immediately.

Now that's a boss.

"Stick to your guts and don't give up. I know you are thinking of your family above water, especially Lucas" He said.

"How'd you know about Lucas? Oh wait, you're omniscient. I forgot" I said, slapping my forehead.

"You mustn't let love lead you away from your fate. You must concentrate on your mission and you have to win unless you've doomed us all. If you die, the throne is now left to King What's-his-name?" He asked.

"Minos" His name sounded so irritating. The elder nodded and continued.

"It would be a very ruthless rule if he succeeds. That is why you have to try very hard to not let material things pull you away from your duty here at Mermaidia and the whole ocean at large" He advised and I nodded.

"No promises" I smiled and he smiled too. A very old and wrinkly smile but it still looked sincere enough. I picked up my bag and waved the elders once more but glared at the lady one that yelled at me.

I swam right past the manta rays who were too clogged up in their game to notice me. So much for having security guards.

A/N: Hey guys so this chapter's done and I hope you like it. Yeah that's about it... Love you guyz! 😎😽

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