Chapter 2- Blue Hair is the New Look

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Arika's POV

Damn, the competition's tough today. The Raging Dragons (that's us) are playing against The Sharp Hawks. And we are down to a touchdown away to attain victory. Lucas tosses the ball and my direction and I catch it.

Thank goodness.

I hear the supportive cheers as I run down to the opposing team's corner, skillfully dodging the obstacles, which are the players who are trying to crush me.

"Touchdown!" The commentator shouts. I get lifted up by Lucas and Jerome as we celebrate our 7th victory this season. I wave the crowd as I enter the changing room. It was so sweet of the coach to give me my own private changing room since I'm the only girl in the football team.

I come out of the showers as good as new, wiping my hair with a different towel and I have one wrapped around my chest. I quickly change in my ripped jeans and crop top and apply a little deodorant.

"You were great out there" Amber said, smiling at me. She was the only girl allowed in the guys changing room cause her brother is a star player.

"Thanks" I grin. Lucas walks in and loops an arm around my shoulder. I snuggle closer to him and Amber just cues in an 'aww'.

"Shut up" Luke groaned and covered his ears. Luke isn't the type I would say can love a girl. He's just neutral.

Amber continued taunting him as we walked out of the changing room. Lucas got fed up and lifted Amber up and begun walking away with her, with ease.

"Lucas Drew Stewart, put me down!" Amber yelled.

"Okay" He said simply and let go of her. She felt face first on the school's marble floor and groaned.

"I meant gently, you manwhore!" She gritted through her teeth. Ah, the Stewart family will never cease to amaze me with their foul tongue. It's not like I don't use cuss words but to the Stewarts, it just rolls off their tongue.


"You Son of a B...iiscuuit, oh hey mom" Lucas smiled innocently as his mom walked into the living room. We were playing GTA and Lucas's player kept on misbehaving.

"Uhn" His mom said, glaring at Lucas. I snickered and Lucas glared at me like he was about to pounce on me.

"Sorry mom" He said sweetly. All normal mothers would melt at their child's apologetic attitude but not Lucas's mom.

"You're grounded for an hour. No TV, no phones and no GTA" She instructs.

"Nooooooo!" Lucas and I yelled in sync. I can't play GTA on my own, I need my best friend to play with. Sure, Amber's here but she'll all girly and I'm a tomboy.

"But mom....." Lucas whines but she just walks away with the video game and his phone in hand.


It's 11pm and I can't sleep so I decided to drink milk. It always does the trick, right? I skip down the stairs, making sure I don't disturb Lucas's parents. I walk past the living room and proceed to take out the carton of milk in the fridge.

"What the hell?" I yelped. The tips of my hair are blue! Blue! I slam the door of the fridge close and gulp down the milk, I must be hallucinating. Yeah, probably because I'm having trouble sleeping. Yeah, that's why.


"Why in the name of the Stewarts are the tips of your hair blue?" Kennedy, Lucas's dad, asked me incredulously.

"I really don't know, I must have slept on paint or something" I lie. But really, I seriously don't know why my hair is blue. Well, when I and my parents lived in Mermaidia, most of the teenagers had different colors at the tips of their hair, well only the girls. There were pink, green, yellow even blue.

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