Chapter 18- Close To The Forbidden

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Akira's POV

"That little bloodsucking-" I sneered, about to release the foulest word under the deep blue sea before Ariana interjected. I rolled my eyes, thinking of the worst way to eliminate the fool.

"Akira calm down, I'm just as mad as you are" Nakira said calmly, but the way his face turned dark and eyes emotionless says otherwise. I took in deep breaths and listened to the conversation.

"So daddy can we go see the lowlifes in the dungeon? Please daddy" The leach of a princess begged. Well too bad little miss prim and perfect -my mermaid ass-, we have escaped.

"Well, it would be fun to watch my brother's children suffer" Minos said and I could almost imagine the wicked grin on his stupid old face.

"We have to get out of here ASAP" Ariana spoke up, tapping our shoulders making us turn back.

"Holy" I gasped.

"Cheese puffs" Nakira added, looking at the opposite direction. I turned towards him, looking at him incredulously.

"Cheese puffs? You couldn't think of macaroni or shit or you know, any other mature word?" I questioned him while he shrugged. We stared unbelievable sight in front of us.

Suzy was riding Nakira's lochness monster towards us. The clamoring and clanging made King Minos and the princess scurry towards that direction, without seeing us.

"Guys, I'm so sorry" Suzy exclaimed, hopping off the monster. Immediately, Nakira swam towards his monster, petting it lovingly. I rolled my eyes at the bewildering sight.

"Sorry my ass" Ariana spoke up, swimming past her. Ariana was the one that was more hurt than any of us. I mean getting stabbed in the back by your own best friend. Hurts more than can't remembering where you hid your money.

I think.

"Yeah, what you did was unforgivable, unimaginable, un- Okay I'm out of words but you really hurt us. We trusted you with ever fiber of our being but you threw it all away at the chance of saving your brother. Cool, we get it. You love your brother. Couldn't you at least have told us and then we could have helped you but no... You decided to sell us off like a merchant sells his slaves" I said, getting angry all of a sudden.

"Save it Akira. I've just discovered that she doesn't have a heart" Ariana spoke coldly, accepting Nakira's help as she sat on his monster.

"Guys please hear me out, I-" She spoke but was interrupted by the chief guard.

"There they are, don't let them escape" He spoke up.

"Time for war mode" Nakira spoke up, holding onto one of the lochness' protruding scales. Ariana jumped down from the monster, prepared for battle.

"This shit is about to get real" I said, narrowing my eyes at the soldiers swimming toward our direction.

"Come on, lochness. Let's take out the trash" Nakira spoke up.

"Yes master" The monster bellowed.

"Ha! It never gets old" He grinned as they charged on with us following suit.

"I'll make it up to you guys. I'll fight on beside you" Suzy said, swimming beside me. I ignored her but part of me was happy about her assistance.

"Ah" A guard yelped as the monster spat out some sticky goo from ts mouth making the guard all wet and sticky.

"Ha! Now you're wet" Nakira laughed.

"I already was" He cried, slumping in defeat.

"Already?" I questioned incredulously.

"Was?" Ariana added in the same incredulous tone, popping up from my back. The fight was halted by a very loud ancient horn made from a sea elephants tusk.

Yeah, they have sea elephants.

"Stop!" King Minos's voice boomed through the entire courtyard.

"Ow!" A guard yelled, when Nakira dropped a club on his head. King Minos glanced at their direction and turned away.

"It seems like I have to deal with a traitor" He growled, looking Suzy deep in the eye.

"Ah!" Suzy yelled and immediately, she began bending in ways that the body isn't supposed to bend, even contortionists can't pull it off.

There were gasps all over the courtyard, the guard next to me said the last thing that would have ever imagined.

"Blood bender?! What is he? The avatar?" I questioned rhetorically. Ariana looked like she was about to collapse and immediately rushed by her side, comforting her.

"Dang it, I may be mad at her now but I can't stand watching her die in a very, very painful way" Ariana sobbed, breaking down on my arms. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear and signaled Nakira to get down from his freaking monster and come comfort his crush.

"I'll take care of this. It may all end today" I yelled and swam towards Suzy direction. She was twitching and her eyes were bulging.

"Help me" She groaned through closed lips. I really felt pity for her.

"Check on the lochness monster, you'll see the pouch containing the gem of light and the staff of the Minolan Dynasty. Please save us" She stressed and I nodded.

"Stop! I am the princess of Mermaidia and I command you to stop!" I yelled, putting my fist down. Laughter echoed through the courtyard.

Okay, this is getting annoying.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry, I wanted to update this chapter as fast as I could so that update it on my birthday but oh well, I've still updated. So hope you like this chapter, and sadly, this story is coming to an end but at least, I had fun writing it. Lots of love😘

PS: My birthday was yesterday.

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