Chapter 4- Great Barrier Reef

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Akira's POV

I wave good bye to Addison as I drive into the deep blue sea. I know I'm gonna miss everyone especially Lucas and Jerome but mostly Lucas. I take off my ring and pass a thread through it, turning it into a necklace and wear it around my neck, in case I need to be human again. In 10 seconds, I transform into my mermaid self, my blue tail coming into view, with my beautiful seashell bra and my cute pearl earrings. My raven black hair is left loose, freely floating in the water.

"Wow! Your other half is very beautiful!" Dane commented and I smiled.

"Thanks" I smile.

"Look, I know this is hard for you but I promise, you won't regret it" He says encouragingly and I smile then nod.

"So where's Suzy?" I ask curiously. This part of the sea that we are in is so vast and so ominous. It's just void and blue and kinda scary.

"She must be at the Caves of Minalo" Dane said as we swam through the void ocean. It turns out Dane is a water snail so he can live both in and out of water.

"So where is this cave" I ask, swimming past some coral.

"It seems like we're already here" He said, grinning. I bask in all the ocean glory in front of me. Beautiful and colorful fishes just like those you see on National Geographic swam past me, beautiful corals and some tiny leaf like structures, moved to and fro next to the coral. This part of the ocean is so bright and colorful. It's just like the Great Barrier Reef.

"Whoa" I say, gaping at my surrounding. Dane chuckled and begun swimming into a huge cave with corals and straw like jellies on its top.

"Akira! I knew Dane could convince you! I just knew it!" Suzy shrieked excitedly, rushing in full speed towards me. I giggle and pull her into a hug even though it wasn't really a hug cause she can't hug me back.

"Yeah, he is kinda a great convincer" I grin at Dane and he flushed.

"Maybe after you take your rightful place on the throne, you can make Dane your Royal chief advisor" Suzy suggested happily and I laughed.

"So King Minos hasn't taken over this part of the ocean?" I asked incredulously.

"Well I guess it is surprising but he is planning on taking over Minola, Serulla and Finnak" Suzy said with rue.

"He wants all of the ocean for himself" Dane added.

What a selfish being! Killing his own elder brother for the throne and has the most terrible rule in all of the planet and now he's planning on taking over other parts of the ocean?! I wonder what the other kings have to say about this.

"He has overthrown King Helios, King Mesopha, Queen Addina and King Diano" Suzy said.

"And now the only Kings and Queen left are King Sidek of Serulla, King Haseg of Finnak and Queen Delilah of Minola" Dane added.

Damn, Merpeople have really weird names.

"So where can we find Queen Delilah?" I ask.

"Well she's in the heart of Minola. This is just the entrance. This cave belongs to my brother, Rickan. He's the chief of security in all of Minola. Right now, there are over 7000 armed porpoises in there" Suzy said and I looked taken aback.

"It's a really big cave" Dane said.

"Well maybe I could form an alliance with the Queen and we could fight Minos with the help of the other kingdoms that aren't under Minos's rule" I suggest.

"There's no way that can happen. Nobody wants to form an alliance with Mermaidia anymore" Dane said.

"But maybe I can prove to her that I'm not on Minos's side and maybe she can-" I try to say but Suzy cuts me off.

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