Chapter 3- Porpoisely on Purpose

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Akira's POV

"Morning Stewarts" I greeted as I enter the living room, yawning like a cave woman with my unruly bed head.

"Morning" They replied in sync. Mel pours me some cereal, Rice Krispies, my all time favorite cereal, and I add the milk for myself. My hair tips are still blue and Lucas is always bugging me to tell him what I did to my hair.

"So what are we gonna do today? It is Sunday" Mel asked, munching on a carrot. She's vegan but she cooks non vegan food for us, cause well we ain't vegans.

Shout out to all ma meat lovers!

"We could go to the new zoo they opened downtown" Kennedy suggested and we all agreed.

Great, more animals.


"Look at that octopus!" Amber yelled, dragging me to the marine habitat exhibit. I stared at the 8-tentacled creature as it swam round its tank, spraying loads of dark ink as it spirals its tank.

"I guess it's cool" I say, staring at the octopus. I walk away from the scene and move to the snail exhibit. There's a cute, little snail with a black and grey shell, crawling towards the glass that separates me from its habitat.

"Hey" The snail said.

"Oh no, no way, there's no way I'm gonna agree to what you're gonna say" I retorted, making jazz hands.

"Oh I see you've met Suzy" It said, crawling closer to the glass then stopping at a point where I can get a good view of it.

"Yeah and I guess you want to preach the same news to me" I say, rolling my eyes.

Am I really having a conversation with a snail? Ugh! What being a mermaid can do.

"Yeah" It said.

"Well your friend kinda scared me, with the whole invisible name calling thing" I said matter-of-factly.

"I know, I guess she didn't do it on porpoise. Get it? I meant purpose but I said porpoise cause she's a porpoise and purpose and porpoise kinda sound alike" It giggled and I grinned.

It was kinda funny.

"Yeah, I guess it was kinda funny" I grinned, "So what's your name?".

"Dane" He said.

"Nice name, so go on" I said.

"Okay, so as you know your dad's brother has taken over Mermaidia and his rule is terrible and you're the only one in the royal lineage of your father left so we need your help, please?" Dane pleaded.

"I'm sorry but I have a life here. I'm the quarterback of The Raging Dragons. I live with my best friend's family who care so much about me. I have friends who love me and I guess I love my life in Addison even though I'm an orphan" I explain. Dane looks touched.

I know you can't tell if a snail's emotional or not but as a mermaid, you can understand animals.

"I understand but we really need you" He persuades.

"Cool snails" Lucas butts in even though he doesn't notice that I'm having a heart to heart conversation with a snail.

"Yeah, I guess so" I say. Dane turns his back and crawls away to go feed on a leaf.

I know I'm being hardheaded but I can't just leave everything and go fight someone that even my parents couldn't defeat.


"How about we race to the beach?" Lucas asks, grinning at me. We were seated on the porch busy doing nothing.

"Oh no, I've had enough animal talk for one week" I blurt out.

"Huh?" Lucas says, confused.

"Uh, I mean, like you know, animals and talking" I said nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"You're avoiding my eyes, you're lying" He says calmly.

"I am not" I backfire.

"Then look into my eyes" He says smoothly.

"I won't but I'm not lying" I say as I get up from the steps and wipe my butt clean from any dust.

Lucas chuckled and followed me inside. This boy would be the end of my secret one day.

"I'm sooooooo bored!" Amber groans as we walk into the living room. I giggle and pull out my phone to text some random anybody.

"Why don't we play hide and seek" Lucas suggested.

"Seriously?" I deadpanned, cocking a brow at him.

"Okay I'm in! And you're in too, Akira" Amber chirped while I groaned in frustration. I can never get my own say in this house.

"Cool, I'm gonna seek so you two go hide. On the count of 10. 10!" Lucas said and begun counting in descending order immediately.

Amber giggled in excitement and flung herself off the couch and begins to look for a place to hide while Lucas is at 8, counting with his eyes closed.

I groan and get up the couch and walk outside to look for a better hiding spot. I settle down for the rose bushes even though there are loads of thorns but I can still heal quickly.

"Ready or not! Here I come!" Lucas yells like a giddy schoolgirl. I stifle my laugh as Lucas passes the rose bushes without noticing that someone's behind the bushes.

"Hey" A familiar snail said crawling towards me and scaring the fudge out of me. Oh, it's Dane.

"Hey Dane" I grin.

"Oh I see you still remember me" He said, crawling on top of a stem so we can view each other perfectly.

"Sure I would but how are you out here and not in your habitat in the zoo?" I ask, letting my curiosity take the wheel.

"Lita helped me escape so I could find you" He explained.

"Lita?" I ask.

"Oh, Lita's the zoo's python and a good friend of mine" He says, I could feel his happiness as he talked about her.

"Oh.... Does someone have a crush?" I laugh but quickly shut up when I remember that I'm still in on a game of hide and seek.

"No, it's not like that. Lita and I are just friends" He said but I could sense his shyness.

"Sure, you are" I grin and he just chuckles.

"Look Akira, I came a long way for you just so you could return to your rightful place on the throne" He said, feeling uneasy like it's some delicate topic he brought up which it kinda is.

"I know but as I said I can't just leave everything" I explain.

"But you would loose everything your dad ever fought for if you don't help us" He deadpanned.

"Well, I-" I tried to say but I was sharply cut off.

"Found you!" Lucas smiled from above me and I chuckled.

'Meet me at my room window by 11pm, we're going to Mermaidia,' I mind linked Dane and I could feel his happiness around but I can't just find him cause Lucas kinda shook the bush when he caught me.

'Thanks a lot, Akira' Dane mind linked me.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

A/N: 'Ehihi Oma' which means good evening in my language. As I said in my profile, I'm Nigerian so if you wanna know about me, you can text me and feel free to talk to me whenever you want. Thanks.


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