Chapter 6- The Elders Of The Cove

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Akira's POV

I continue swimming northwest until I spot a shining light from a mile afar. I sigh and continue swimming but stop when I sight two huge manta rays. They never told me that it was guarded! I swim behind some rock and pull out the map. Okay, think of a plan.

"Heyo!" I yell, trying to draw the mantas attention and it seems to work because they are swimming with full speed towards me. I yelp and pick up my bag and swim behind a rock while the mega mantas swim above me, in search of me.

I sigh in relief and swim away from my cover. I was almost at the entrance to the crystal cove when a huge tail whacks me, making fly about 40ft away from the cove. I shake my head to stop the oncoming concussion and I hear two laughs from behind me.

"Oopsy, did we hurt the little mermaid?" One of the mantas with a very long and huge tail, grinned while the other one laughed.

I try to get up but my tail won't move, "Ah" I yelp when I try to get up again while the mantas just laugh obnoxiously, making me groan in frustration and annoyance.

"Puokio gakhomendes babayendo!" A familiar voice chants and in a nanosecond the manta rays are pushed with a very powerful force, smashing them into a rock then another one, leaving huge holes in them as they broke through them.

"Are you okay?" Ari yells while Suzy and Dane follow suit behind her.

"Why in the name of the gods are you being nice?" I say incredulously making her chuckle.

"I may dislike you but I just saved your life so no more useless questions from you, princess" She spits.

"Ah, much better" I say smugly and she rolls her eyes.

"Aren't you gonna get up so we can keep moving?" She says.

"If I could, wouldn't I?" I snap making Suzy and Dane flinch.

"Well if you guys are done with your showdown, Ari you could heal her tail" Dane said.

"Hekate asehdin beroutlanadio" Ari chanted, and her sea green eyes switched to blood red as she chanted, gripping tightly on the joint between the body of my tail and my tail fins. I groaned in agony cause it hurt real bad. After the chant, her eyes returned back to its normal color.

"Move" She ordered and I swam up. My tail didn't hurt anymore and I could move it as fast as I wanted to. Yay!

"You really need to teach me how to chant" I pleaded-whined. She glared at me for a while then swam past me without answering my question. Damn this girl is harsh.

"Okay so we can shelter in here for a while before we journey to Mermaidia" Ari instructed as we waltzed into the crystal cove and damn this part of the water is cold.

"Cool, I'll make a fire" Suzy said, then rushed out in search of a shipwreck to get some wood.

"Hold on, a fire in water?" I asked, baffled.

"Yup, I don't know how it works but it sure does" Dane butts in. I yawned and relaxed myself on a crystalline looking rock and used a blanket to cover myself still wondering how and why the freaking blanket isn't wet. Not that I want it to be but still.

"I'm here with the firewood!" Suzy chirped as she swam in with the wood. There were unintelligible hissing and whispering sounds coming from deep inside the cove.

"We're not alone here" I said nervously and they all looked at me like I was crazy, "What can't you guys hear them?".

"The Crystal Cove has been abandoned ever since Minos took over and killed all the Elders that govern this very cove" Ari said, glaring at me like I was some enemy. The whispering continued and I had to get up from the rock.

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