Chapter 10- Dude In The Cave

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Akira's POV

"Who?!" We all yelled.

"It's some random merdude, I can't really see his face. He's hiding it with some kind of power. Who ever he is, he sure is powerful" She said, putting down my pouch and sighed dejectedly.

"Power? What kind?" I ask, sitting next to her.

"Dark magic, even darker than mine" She said.

"Hold the phone, if you know dark magic that means, you're a witch?" I say then gasps when she nods.

"Oh snap, you found out" Dane said sarcastically.

"Well what kind of power do you think lets her do all the magic she does" Suzy said but in a questioning manner and I roll my eyes.

"Spare me the lecture" I say dryly and they all groan.

"Seriously, you have a lot to learn" Ari said and realization hits me like a rock.

"Ohhhhhh, no wonder you never wanted to teach me how to chant" I say in realization.

"Way to state the obvious" She deadpans and I roll my eyes.

"So Ari, why don't you uh, make us some of your signature roasted coral" Suzy suggested, grinning. She glares at all of us -on our best puppy face- for a while and laughs and pulls her bag closer to her.

"Yay!" We all squeal.


"I am stuffed" I groan, chewing and swallowing my last piece of coral.

"Well I guess you wouldn't want these" Ari said, holding some freshly roasted coral.

"Gimme! Gimme!" I yell childishly and she laughs but hands it to me anyway.

"How does all that food fit in your stomach?" Dane asks.

"And it's still flat" Suzy adds and I laugh, shrugging.

"I don't really know, I guess I'm naturally have a flat tummy" I brag and Ari rolls her eyes.

"In your dreams" She muttered but I heard her with my good hearing sense. Ohhhhhh, someone's jealous.

"I heard that" I said.

"Oh shit" Ari said and swam away with me following suit behind her. She swam into a cave only few feet away from our camp and I followed her in.

"I got you no- Oh crap!" I hiss when my face comes in contact with Ari's hand that was held up, signaling that I needed to shut up and stay quiet

"You should have just hold me to shut up" I whine, holding my hand over my bloody lip and it hurts even more because the water is salty.

"Shut up" She deadpans then shushes me, making me gasp.

"You hurt my feelings" I cry with hoax, placing my hand over my -supposed to be broken- heart and she laughs.

"Look" She said, pointing at the glow deep inside the cave, "Fire, someone's in here".

"Well we have to be quiet then" I say.

"Why do you think I was- Ugh" She said with frustration and I grin sheepishly. We swim deeper into the cave and stop when we hear humming.

"Hm m hmm bum bum hmm" Was the beat we heard, then scrapping sounds. Ari made some useless demonstrations with her hand and I just stare at her blankly.

"I have no idea what you just did" I whisper quietly and she rolls her eyes.

"I said, you idiot, use your good hearing sense to pick up what he says while I go fetch the others" She explains and I 'ooh'.

"Yeah" She said then swim away, to go call the others. I Inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly, calming myself down so I could reach full nirvana -in hearing of course-.

"Finally, I can pay back all the money I owe that bastard" A male -teenage- voice said and I tried to listen closely.

"With this gem, I'm gonna be a fucking millionaire, scratch that trillionaire" He laughs and I groan. That fucktard has the gem, I'm so gonna- woops. I fall hard on my back, exposing myself.

"Who the fuck are you?" He yells, immediately shoving the gem into his bag and I roll my eyes.

"Cut the crap, I know you have my gem" I say and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well you don't expect me to hand it to you on a golden platter" He says sarcastically and I scream inside of me.

"Give me my gem or else" I threaten emptily. I know I couldn't do anything. As tough as I am, I'm not the boy pummeling type. That's Lucas. Lucas, fuck I miss him so much but this would soon be over and I can be with him and his family again.

"Or else what?" He sneers and I can sense that he wants to make a chant, a really bad one. Out of reflex, I close my eyes and hope that it would be quick.

"Dekuoplast Fedroihlem Nakamoral!" Two voices -male and female- yell in unison and even through my closed lids, I could see the blinding light in front of me. I take the risk to open my eyes and I wince when the light enters my eyes. I try to open my eyes again but the light was gone. I look around and see Ari sprawled on the floor and I turn to the entrance of the cave and see that son of a bitch swimming out of the cave.

"I'll be back Ari, I promise" I say and try to swim away but she grabs my hand.

"Beat the crap out of that buttface" Ari said and I laugh and swim after the dude who seems like a pro swimmer. This is gonna be tough.

A/N: Hey guys, I actually published on the day I said I would publish! I know, I know, I'm just that good "snickers". Anywho, here's another chapter -cliffhanger- done and dusted. Hope you like it.


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