Chapter 14- Shortcut To Thievery

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Akira's POV

"How the hell is the lochness monster alive?" My brother yell whilst dodging its huge tail, saving himself from a coma.

"You're asking me?" I yell angrily, swimming to the East side of the room. It turned around and spotted me and began to stomp towards me.

"Uh... Nakira... Do something!" I yelled when the monster began to approach me.

"Black magic doesn't work on this thing!" Nakira yelled from the other side of the room.

"How the hell do you know?" I questioned in a angry-frustrated tone. I should see its piercing yellow eyes glaring at me like a few feet away from me.

"I've tried, you dumbass" He said in a duh tone whilst I roll my eyes. I hid behind the tapestry on the stony wall. It grunted for a while then stomped away, towards my brother.

"The Royal Blood is forever but the commoners are part of the hood" I heard my brother yell then there was a huge thud. I swam out of the tapestry and saw my brother petting the beast.

"How the hell did you do it?" I ask incredulously.

"Well I just saw a writing on the wall saying 'If you're here to steal the staff and the lochness monster's giving you trouble, just read this' and I read it" My brother grinned goofily.

"Wow, way to protect your staff, Minola" I say, doing the jazz hands. I look around the room and the staff is gone.

"Wh-where the hell the staff run off to?" I stutter.

"Staffs don't have legs, genius" My brother said gruffly while I stick my tongue out at him.

"Well you explain how it's gone" I backfire. He scratches his head whilst furrowing his brows. He's putting on this goofy thinking face.

"Don't know. Maybe the monster will know" He shrugged.

"How are you sure if it can talk, let alone speak English" I questioned, crossing one arm above my chest whilst waving the other at the monster which was obeying every single word my brother utters.


"Ask it if it knows where the staff is" I suggested gleefully.

"Great idea. I'll ask it if it knows where the staff is. Why didn't you think of that kiki?" My brother grinned.

"But I just... Wait a minute, kiki?" I questioned, cocking my right brow at him.

"Just pretend I didn't say that" He said, shuddering. "Monster?".

"Yes, Oh Wise One" The monster bellowed so deeply that it made the walls vibrate.

Oh, it talks.

"Oh, it talks" My brother reiterated my thought, making me chuckle inwardly.

So this twin thingy is actually true. Twins have the ability to read each others minds.

Bah, maybe it's just dumb luck. 

"Where is the staff hidden?" My dumbass of a brother asked.

"Behind the tapestry, there's a stone which looks the oldest. You will push that stone and say these very words 'Mystical staff old and true, make this staff appear anew" Said the monster.

"Okay" I said then swam back to the tapestry. I got behind the tapestry and searched for the stone.

"Um, I can't find it" I yelled.

"Look harder" My brother yelled back. I groaned and searched for three whole minutes before I found it.

"I've found it!" I squealed excitedly.

"Took you long enough" My brother grunted sleepily.

"Mystical staff old and true, make this staff appear anew" I chanted and a huge crack, followed my blinding light appeared. I closed my eyes for a split second and when I opened my eyes, the staff was in my hand.


"You got it!" Ariana yelled as we got to the end of the staircase.

"Yeah" I sighed tiredly.

"So what horrors were in that room?" Suzy asked.

"Well it was-" I said before I was cut off.

"You there!" A Minolan guard yelled.

"A guard!" Dane squeaked.

"A what?" My half asleep brother yawned.

"A freaking guard, you freakazoid!" I yelled angrily.

"Hop on master" The lochness monster yelled bursting through the door.

"What a loyal monster" My brother smiled and hopped on.

"That was in there?" Suzy said gaped at the 59 foot long monster. That's right FIFTY-NINE!

"Yup, cmon Ari, hop on" My brother said, hoisting Ari on the monsters back. "I'll see you guys at the cave".

"Nakira..." I trailed angrily.

"Fine, hop on" He groaned and we all hopped on and swam away just in time before a spear one of the guards threw would have hit us.

"So all that's left is the Crown of King Minos" Dane said.

"Yippy" I said sarcastically.

When is all of this gonna end?

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the super late update. Like, this is the latest I've ever updated any of my books. Well it wasn't really my fault, my phone had a problem but it's all fixed now. Hurray! Anywho, hope you liked this chapter because it took a lot of time for me to figure it out. Yeah so byez, Jessy loves you!


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