Chapter 13- Guardian Of The Staff

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Akira's POV

"Okay, so the entrance to the castle is here so if we could go higher, we could enter through the tall windows without the notice of the guards" Ari said, drawing a makeshift map.

Nakira was busy helping Dane and Suzy pack up our supplies. We were leaving for Minola to get The Staff Of The Minolan Dynasty. It's really not gonna be easy.

"But how are we sure if the staff's in there?" I question, munching on a coral bar. Yeah, a coral bar is Ariana's patented coral stuffed with roasted fish and seaweed salad. And it is delicious.

Remind me to make her the Royal cook after my brother takes his rightful place on the throne.

Yes, I'm no longer the heir apparent to the throne. It's my twin brother, Nakira Deruso. It sucks but he deserves it. I'm sure he'll be a good leader.

"Because there were rumors about the royal family hiding something in a room in the highest tower of the castle" Ari explained and I nodded in awe.

Now I'm curious.

"We're good to go" Nakira said, adjusting the bag on his shoulder and I heard Ari gasp when Nakira's bicep muscles contracted and I just rolled my eyes.

Bitch please, Lucas's muscles are two times bigger than that.

What did I say?

"Okay cool. Did you pack enough coral bars?" I ask. I really love Ari's cooking. She's so talented when it comes to culinary arts.

"Alright. So we have maps, compasses, food and we have each other. Yeah we're okay" Dane said, crawling well swimming -because he's floating- towards us.

"Okay then. Let's move" I said, picking up the bag of food. We swam out of the cave and into the open sea. I swam past the carousel of confusion, the abyss of the forgotten and many other mysterious places in the ocean.

"There it is" Suzy sighed. The bright light, which is the entrance to Minola, stood in front of us as we basked in all its bright glory

"Your brother is fine. Don't worry. We'll see him once we enter. I promise" I said in reassurance and she sighed but nodded nonetheless.

We passed through the bright light and to our surprise, Minola is as good as new. It's just like how it was when I first got here. It's just like there was never a war.

"Rickan?" Suzy called after a huge porpoise that was faced the other way. Immediately, the porpoise turned around and I grinned.

"Told you so" I smiled and immediately Suzy swam towards her brother and they hugged each other, porpoise style.

"Where have you been? I-I've been looking for you. I even sent scouts after you and Ariana but they came back with the same news" He said, wiping his little sister's tears.

"I'm actually on a mission" Suzy said then turned to face us.

"Hey" I waved.

"What mission?" Rickan asked, curiously. Suzy explained everything and he understood.

"I see" Rickan said, staring at each and everyone of us.

"So you're a palace guard right?" Nakira asked.

"Yes" Rickan said.

"So you can sneak us into the palace" Suzy chirped and Rickan looked at us like there was a monster behind us.

"Oh no. No, no, no. I can't do that. If they find out that I snuck you guys into the palace, I would be charged with treason" Rickan explained.

"Please, brother. We promise we'll be careful. Even if we get caught, we'll say we snuck in" Suzy pleaded. After an hour of begging, Rickan finally agreed.

"Fine. It'll be done at night. I'll see you at the Royal Gardens at midnight" Rickan said then swam away.

"Well, that was easy" I said.


"Okay. Just maintain a single file and don't touch anything until you come across some stairs" Rickan instructed. We were inside the palace and my, is it beautiful!

The floors were made of porcelain tiles and the doors were made of strong mahogany hardwood. The windows were tall and had blue tinted glasses. There were red carpets and the walls were made of stone. It's like the castles of the old.

"Thanks a lot" I smile and he nods then swims into the cover of darkness. We swim past many royal pictures, vanity and priceless antiques and various doors until we got to the dark staircase.

The guards that guarded the door were knocked out, all thanks to Rickan.

"Hold on!" Ari called, reading the handwriting on the wall, "It says, only royalties can enter unless you face death".

"I guess we'll leave it to you and your brother" Suzy said then we nodded and swam up the stairs. It was awfully quiet and I was getting scared.

"We could turn back and go" Nakira said and I could hear the fear in his voice.

"No, we have to be brave" I said then there was a rattling of chains then huge footsteps.

"The staff" We said in sync. Then there was a loud grunt and then in we saw it.

"Is that?" Nakira said, gawking at the mythical creature in front of us.

"The Lochness Monster" I gasped and then it attacked.

A/N: Hey guys, another chapter has been edited and published. Hope, you guys like it as much as I do. Yeah, I'm really trying my best to update my stories as fast as I can. Yeah, so that's about it. Tankz.


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