Chapter 19- Wrong Turn

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Akira's POV

Minos's laugh was like poison to my ears. He waltzed towards me, no matter how confident I felt right now, I know I'm shivering at his tall, intimidating sight. He looked into my eyes. His eyes were dark and emotionless.

"Akira no! Don't look back at him!" Ariana screamed but I continued staring. His confident gaze started morphing into a one of confusion and frustration.

"Your blood bending doesn't work on me. Miraculously" I said, whispering the last part. He grunted then chuckled slowly, the chuckle reverberating in his throat. A very terrifying sound.

"Miraculously indeed. I don't need to rely on blood bending to end you and your useless riot squad" He bellowed, waving his hands around in emphasis to his words. I signaled Nakira to toss me the bag that was on the monster and he nodded.

"Maybe we may put an end to your nonsense today" I retorted harshly, making him frown more than he was already frowning. He growled angrily and before I knew it I was floating.

"Akira!" I heard someone yell before Minos used his telekinesis to throw me towards a pillar, making me hit my tail hard on the stone. I groaned in agony. I helplessly watched my brother swim towards me.

"Oh my fucking gosh, are you hurt?" He said, worry and anger lacing his every word. I felt a warm feeling in my gut. My brother was caring, to me.

"No, I feel like I woke up in heaven" I couldn't help being sarcastic. He chuckled but his face was still showing worry. I touched his cheek, rubbing it

"I'll be fine, just help me up" I said, stretching out my hand for him to grab it. He was about to help me up before he was thrown to the side by Minos.

"Nakira!" I screamed, finding it easy to get up. Minos was laughing, a sick sound that can make you rip your hair out and commit suicide. I angrily went after him, every breath I took made me turn bluer.

"What the- Akira?!" Nakira yelled but I was too angry to notice my state of blueness.

"Minos!" I bellowed, holding the pieces that make up the wand of light. His laugh started to die down slowly as he eyed the items on my hand.

"Do you plan on making the wand of light right now?" He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. There were gasps and whispers echoing throughout the courtyard.

"Ah!" Suzy yelled as she dropped to the ground. Ariana immediately rushed to her side, tending to her best friend.

"You monster" I spat. "I still need my father's crown" I said, pointing at my father's crown. He chuckled evilly.

"You mean my crown?" He smiled, making me want to gag. I regrettably nodded, making him laugh. His cockroach of a daughter chortled.

"Karina" Minos called.

"Yes father" She answered, swimming towards her father.

"Take her down and take the items away from her and hand them to me. I'll be in my chambers" Minos ordered and immediately, he vanished.

"Sweetheart, get ready to meet your doom" She squeaked, sounding less intimidating.

"Ooh, I'm so scared" I said with mock horror, giggling. She swung her tail, making it clash with my face, making me twist and fall down. There were gasps from maids and cooks and guards. They all stayed out the fight.

"Okay, this is not what I planned" I said, spitting out blood.

A/N: Hey guys, so this is like a filler chapter. Sadly, in two or three or four more chapters, this book will be over. I know how much fun I had writing this book, reading your comments and the smile that appears on my face when you guys vote for a chapter.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this emotional rollercoaster of a book. Love y'all😘.

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