Chapter 8- The Carousel Of Confusion

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Hey guys, that pic over there, well I just decided to post it. I drew it and I wanna hear your comments on it. Thanks.

Akira's POV

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ari said me from behind me.

"Jesus, you wanna give me a heart attack?" I half yell, placing my hand above my chest in attempt to soothe my poor poor, startled heart.

She laughed, "I'm sorry but the gem's really pretty".

"Yeah" I sigh, spinning the gem on my finger -I'm a quarterback, remember?-. Suzy is out, looking for firewood while Dane is roasting some coral. Yummy!

I place the gem inside my pouch that I made from seaweed and a cloth and zip it close. This gem isn't leaving my sight.


"Where the fuck is the gem?!" I yelled, immediately I check my pouch and it isn't there. Suzy and Dane jumped up from their makeshift beds and ready for a fight but sigh when they don't see an enemy.

"Why in the world are you yelling?" Suzy yawns whilst swimming towards me.

"Where's Ariana?" I growl. I knew it! Ever since I brought back that gem, she hasn't taken her eyes off it. I pull my hair in frustration as I shout at the top of my lungs. I left my life in the human world for this? Just so I could help these people out their misery and yet, someone steals my hard work?!

"I- I don't know" Suzy said, like as if she knew what I was thinking.

"That's it! I'm done! I can't help you guys no more!" I yell, packing up my things and shoving them in my pouch. Suzy gasps while Dane pleads but I'm not listening.

I begin to swim up to surface when I bring to hear yelling from afar. I must really have good hearing sense. I swim back to the camp and I sigh in relief when I see Suzy and Dane.

"Guys, we need to leave" I say.

"Why?" Suzy sniffs. Oh my, she was crying.

"Because, I can hear voices from afar and they sound like raging soldiers" I say, then panic when the sounds gets louder.

"Hold on, I hear something" Dane says.

"Well I don't want to stay and find out" Suzy squeaks then picks up a bag.

"Where's the bag of supplies?" Dane yells.

"Ugh, she took that too?" I groan in frustration. I could see spears and shields about 90km away. I pull Suzy by the tail and grab Dane and swim away. I let go of Suzy's tail and she swims on her own.

"I know where we can go!" Suzy yells then swims east and we joins her. She stops at a place with loads of corals with branches just like trees. I could still hear the yells.

"Where is this place?" I ask, staring at the all the pinkish-orange coral.

"The Carousel Of Confusion" She grins then we swim behind some huge coral tree and we join her.

"You don't think they entered the carousel of confusion, now do you?" A soldier asks.

"Well have to march inside or Minos will have fish stew for dinner" Another said and they all shuddered.

They swam inside, eyeing and analyzing all the trees. A solider was coming closer and closer to the tree where I was hiding, then Suzy picked up a stone and threw it towards the direction of another tree.

The soldier turned around and swam toward that other tree then I changed my position. God, this is difficult.

A/N: Hey guys, another chapter has been delivered. Hope you like it and please check out my new story; The Girl From The Woods. Thanks, oh and sorry for the cliffhanger.


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