Chapter 5- Minola In Jeopardy

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Akira's POV

"Suzy! Suzy! Wake up! The Mermaidian army are here!" I scream at Suzy and continue shaking her until her eyes snapped open.

"Huh, what?" She mumbled and tried to go back to sleep again. I groaned in frustration and violently shook her.

"Wake up, you blob of meatyness!" I say in frustration and her eyes snap open again, this time with annoyance.

"It's 2am in the afternoon! Let me sleep" She said glaring angrily at me.

Had it been this wasn't a serious issue, I would have been laughing my mermaid ass out right now. 2am in the afternoon?! Damn!

"First of all, it's 8am in the morning. Okay, fine! I'll just leave you here to be chopped to bits by my uncle's ruthless army!" I yell and swim away in annoyance.

"What?!" I hear her cry from inside the room. Dane was already up and was helping Ari pack up some useful supplies; Maps, compasses, anything useful. There were clashing sounds and sounds of spears and shields colliding outside.

I carried the bag of food supplies and joined the gang as they swam out of the house through the backdoor. We swim with full speed through the frenzy of Merpeople running for their lives. A frying pan escapes from my bag and try to put it back inside. I look up and see a spear heading with full velocity at my direction.

I skillfully, well not really skillfully, I luckily dodge the spear and I hear a piercing sound behind me. I turn around and find a soldier, sinking down to the sand, armed with a spear and looked like he wanted to strike, me?

"Thank you" I said to the soldier and he nodded then studies my appearance.

"You look familiar" He said and I look around nervously. I spot the gang swimming into a dismantled mall.

"Um, no! Nope, you don't. I'm just an ordinary mermaid. I'm definitely not a runaway princess with the power to live as both human or mermaid whenever I want" I splutter nervously.

Yeah, I pulled that off. He definitely won't suspect me.

Before he could say anything, I swim away from him, into the mall. Different bra designs were littered on the floor with some hangers and racks.

"Guys?" I whispered.

"We're behind here" Suzy said and I immediately swim behind the receptionist's desk.

"So why did King Minos choose now to attack?" I ask curiously.

"Nobody knows when King Minos will attack or the city he'll start with" Dane explains and I just roll my eyes.

Royalty and their suspense.

"Hold on, what about my brother?!" Suzy shrieks in fright and immediately swims out from our cover into the frenzy of Merpeople screaming and swimming.

"Suzy! Wait!" I cried as I followed as fast as I could. She was about 10ft away from me and I tried to keep up with her. Who knew porpoises were great swimmers? Apparently all of the ocean knows.

I flap my tail as fast as I can until I grab on to Suzy's tail making us flip and land face first in some seaweed shrubs. I splutter and wipe off some scraps of seaweed on my mouth while Suzy shakes her body to release herself from the grasp of some moving seaweed.

"Why did you swim off like that?" I whisper because some Mermaidian soldiers were swimming past this area. Thank goodness the seaweed was camouflaging us.

"I'm scared, what if they've harmed my brother or worse, what if he's dead?" She said, then gasped at the thought.

"Look, your brother is a brave porpoise. I'm sure he's fine now, probably beating the shit out of a soldier" I grinned and she laughed.

"I guess so" She smiled then we got off the sand and begun to swim away from the seaweed shrubs.

"Caught her" I announce as we swim into the dismantled mall. Dane and Ari swim out of our cover and breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Suzy.

"God, Suzy don't swim off like that again" Ari sighed then gave her a hug. Well, thanks for being a lion to me, Ariana.

"We need to get away from Minola, it's not safe" Dane said and packed up our supplies and swam out from the mall.

"You! Halt! In the name of King Minos!" A soldier yelled after me as I swam away. I gritted my teeth and the mention of my uncle's name.

"Minos is no king!" I scream at the soldier and he looks taken aback. I begin to swim away as he chases after me and the gang.

"We have to split! It's the only way that we can confuse them. We'll meet at the Crystal coves" Ari explained and they all nodded except me.

"Where in the name of the ocean is the crystal cove?" I ask coyly. Dane hands me a map and compass. I shove it into my bag and nod.

"On three, 1-" Ari begins to count but is interrupted by Dane.

"Hold on, why is it always three? It's so fascinating. Why not four or five or-" Dane said but notices we are all glaring at him.

"Bad time?" Dane asked.

"Three!" Ari yelled and we all separated before they could grab anyone of us. I swim as fast as I can just to get away from the soldier that I yelled at minutes ago.

I swim through a rock with a hole in the middle while he swims over the rock and tries to grab my tail but I whack his face with it causing him to be disoriented for a while. I take that chance to swim away from him. I spot the entrance/exit of Minola. I swim through the bright light and appear in the void ocean, again.

"Okay, so I'm in the entrance of Minola right now so if I follow the Northwest trail, I could reach the crystal coves before dusk" I say to myself then pull out my compass and begin to swim through the vast ocean.

I am so freaking scared!

A/N: Hey guys, here's another chapter from Jessy to y'all. Feel free to talk to whenever you want, I won't bite! Anyways, byes!


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