Chapter 21- When It All Falls Down

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Akira's POV

I stare at my uncle with wide and scared eyes as I strangle myself, slowly loosing consciousness. I try my best to fight off his magic but mine is nowhere near his. I give one last dirty look to my uncle and said my last words, hoping they would have effect on him.

"I'm glad your unborn child didn't meet his father" I spat and embraced death with open arms, happy with the damage I did before I left the earth. Minos stared at me with disbelief, looking like he was taking in what I had said.

I grinned. I grinned happily. Embracing the darkness. I let go.

"Akira. Akira" A very gentle familiar voice called. I knew that voice oh too well. From when I was a child. That voice nurtured me, took care of me, made sure I wasn't bullied as an only child I thought I was. Acted like the elder sibling I've always wanted.

My mother.

"Mom?" I questioned, unable to believe my ears. Everything suddenly started becoming white and my mother slowly started appearing in the picture. She was just like me. Long flowing black hair. A blue tail but hers was cobalt. Olive skin and lovely blue eyes that complimented her tail.

"Go back. The war isn't over. Minos still sits on the throne and he's going to kill everyone we love" She said gently. I shook my head violently.

"No! I've found you and I'm not going back. Do you realize how much I've missed you? How long I've been waiting to see you again. Now I've gotten the chance, I don't want it to end. I'm not going anywhere" I yelled at the top of my lungs, unable to control the tears.

She swam close to me to the point where we were inches apart.

"I'm sorry" She said and in a flash, her index finger and her thumb was placed on my forehead and I felt myself falling, falling back into my body. My lifeless body.

"She's dead. Finally she's dead. Now it remains her stupid brother. Deruso's male child and all this ruckus will be over and I can rule in peace" I heard Minos say. I was slowly drifting into consciousness.

Before I could regain my strength, Minos already swam out the room. With the intent of killing my twin brother.

"Nakira!!!!" Minos yelled, lunging at my brother. Ariana gave a sharp scream when Minos threw a huge punch at Nakira's left eye. He knew that Nakira's magic was too strong so using magic on him won't work.

He wanted to kill him manually.

I got up, slowly feeling myself. I started levitating, my eyes were turning deep blue just like how the avatar's eyes did whenever he entered the avatar state. Lightning started surging through my hands, visible lights flashing. My hair was floating widely in the ocean, electricity surging through it.

I disappeared. From Minos' room. Into the courtyard where Minos was about to kill my twin brother.

And that drove me to the edge.

"Enough!" My voice boomed through the courtyard making everything move at least six feet backwards with so much power. My voice didn't sound like my voice. It sounded like my father's and my mother's voice combined. Giving it much authority.

"She's in her mermaliyian state!" Ariana, Suzy and Dane yelled in sync. Karina lunged at me and with a swipe of my hand in the air, she was thrown through the window of the castle, falling a hundred feet down.

"Karina!" Minos yelled, looking out the window. She was alive but was badly injured. She was sprawled on the seaweed bushes, looking dazed and confused.

With a snap of my fingers, Minos was in front of me. He was quivering with fear and I couldn't give two shits. His eyes held fear and many undescribable emotions but fear was very much evident.

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