Chapter 9- Wrong Conclusion

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Ariana's POV

"Guys?" I call as I return to the camp with a full bag of coral. I left camp pretty early to go get some coral to make my signature coral kebab but I return and see the camp empty and looks like as if a hoard of soldiers marched right through it.

Wait? What if a hoard of soldiers did march right through it? Oh no, dang it! Now where could they be? They could be anywhere. The seaweed bushes, the carousel of confusion -there's no way they would go in there- or even the forbidden tunnels.

I pack up the leftover supplies and my bag of coral and decide to head towards the carousel of confusion. I just hope they are there.


Akira's POV

We keep changing positions and it's like we've been to every single coral tree in this part of the ocean. I hide behind a tree that I think I've been to at least twelve times. I spot Dane crawl up a tree and hides there.

I think I'll swim up the surface so I can find a way out of here -but they might see you and catch you-. I know subconscious but I have to try. I gingerly swim up to the surface and try not to get caught.

I swim to the surface and finally see the way out but I spot a figure far in the distance. It looks like, Ari? I shrug but flinch when I hear a loud shout.

"There she is!" A soldier yells and immediately a troop of soldiers are swimming towards me. I yelp and swim downwards. I see Suzy and Dane come out from their hiding place.

"Follow me......!" I said as I swim past them, grabbing Dane and pulling Suzy by the muzzle. The soldiers were gaining on us like a few feet away. Suddenly, there's a loud thud, we turn around and the soldiers aren't behind us, rather they are sprawled across the ocean, looking as if they are pacified and then I see her.

Another chant......

"Hey guys, where were you? I went to the camp and saw no one" Ari said, swimming towards us, smiling like the criminal she is.

"Why? Because your conscience wasn't part of your scheme?" I spit and she looks confused.

"Scheme? What are you talking about?" Ari said, looking at me like I grew a second head.

"Oh don't play dumb with me! Where's the freaking gem?" I yell and Suzy and Dane making a 'hmph' sound.

"I thought you were with it?!" Ari yelled as if surprised. Wow, She's a really good actor or what ever the female version of actor is.

"It's actress" She deadpanned. Oh! I really should know when I'm saying my thoughts out loud.

"Dude just give me the freaking gem and we can get out of this confusion thingy" I sigh, feeling frustrated.

"But I've told you I'm not with the gem!" She yells.

"Then how do explain your disappearance this morning?" Suzy butts in.

"Well I went to get some coral to make some coral kebabs for breakfast but I see there would be no need for that" She deadpanned, showing us the bag of coral.

"Oh" We all said.

"Yeah, way to go guys" She sighed and began to swim away.

"Look Ari I'm sorry, you weren't in the camp and yesterday you were just ogling at the gem that I thought you stole it but I guess I was wrong" I apologize.

"Nah it's okay" She smiles, "But we have to find the real merperson that stole the gem".

"Yeah so we need to look for clues and think" I say then we head to the direction of camp. I study my bag and realize that I didn't even zip it up last night.

"Guys my bag wasn't zipped up last night!" I yell.

"So whoever stole the diamond must have been really quiet" Ari said then picked up my pouch.

"Ahguoniquo Czechoslovakia Vivionaswrol Zerohloneh" Ari chanted and finally after the whole unnatural event, her eyes flashed back to normal.

"Well?" I asked apprehensively.

"I know who stole the gem" Ari said.

"Who?!" We all yelled.


A/N: Nuh uh, I really like these cliffhangers. So this chapter is gonna be another cliffhanger *snickers wickedly*. So yeah, I know this update is really later than usual but it's just that I've been busy so I've decided that I'll be updating every Monday. Yeah, I'm sorry but I just have to. Thanks for understanding.


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