Chapter 16- Betrayed By The Unexpected

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Akira's POV

"And I have to leave my past behind" I concluded to the gang. I was telling them what the elders told me and I didn't forget to mention that rude female elder.

"Guys! Guys! The cove is being attacked!" Suzy yelled as she rushed into the cave.

"What? How?" I asked incredulously. How could the Mermaidian army find out the hiding place of the elders.

"Gasp! Do we have a snitch here?" Ari said immediately, giving each and everyone of us the stink eye. I shrugged and began packing up.

"What are you doing?" Nakira asks me, as watching me as I put my supplies together. I look up at him and then continue packing.

"Oh you know, just doing the dishes. What does it look like I'm doing?!" I ask, sarcasm thick in my voice.

"Okay this is not the time to be sarcastic" He points out.

"You think?" I scoff.

"Where you going?" Ari asks as I sling the back over shoulder.

"Oh you know, just going to sell out our supplies. What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm going to save the elders" I said in a frustrated tone.

"Well Miss Sarcasm, we're coming with you" She says, crossing her hands on her chest.

"Yeah, let's go" Suzy chuckled nervously. I glanced at her for a split second and she looked extremely paranoid.

"Fine" Nakira scoffed, "Dane, you'll stay here and watch the cave, we'll be back".

"Affirmative" Dane said.


"There they are" I whispered. We were at the huge rock near the crystal cove. Some guards -of which we couldn't make out their uniform- were pushing the elders.

"Those delinquents, I'm gonna give them a little introduction to my fist" Nakira said, forming his hand into a fist ball.

"Easy now tiger, let's sneak up on them first" Ari said, patting his shoulder and he held her hand, smiling dreamily at her.

"Oh brother" I groaned, shielding my eyes to protect my innocence.

"Cmon, Akira, stop being a wuss" Nakira chuckled and I glared at him in anger.

"Don't you ever call me a wuss, ever!" I yelled.

"What was that?" We heard a male baritone voice say from afar.

"Great, now you've made them aware of our presence" Nakira said in frustration.

"Me? You're the one who-" I said before I got rudely interrupted.

"Up,up,up" He said, cutting me short.

"Why you little-".


"Ugh! That's it, I'm going after them myself!" I yelled angrily. The others swam after me in protest but it was all bullshit to me.

"Hey! Stop in the name of Queen Delilah!" A guard yelled.

"Queen Delilah? But Suzy you said that it was the Mermaidian army that was attacking the cove!" I yelled. Before any of us could swim away, the guards already caught up with us.

"Don't worry Suzy, we'll make it! Suzy?" Ari said but her heroic efforts were all tarnished when she turned towards Suzy's direction.

"What?" We all said in shock.

"You did a great work, snoozy" A chief guard said, patting Suzy's head.

"It's Suzy" She corrected.

"Well change it" He said then left her.

"I'm sure the Mermaidian empire will stop their ruckus once we deliver the prince and princess of Mermaidia plus the long lost elders of the cove" He added smiling maliciously.

"Suzy?" I croaked, tears weld up in my eyes and my throat was all jacked up. I felt betrayed and it hurts more than heartbreak let me tell you.

"How could you? I'm your best friend!" Ari spoke up, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Why did you do this?" Nakira asked, looking betrayed as well.

"Because they have my brother!" She yelled, sobbing.

"Huh?" I said.

"They found out that it was brother that helped us steal the staff so they held him captive and God knows how much they tortured him. So they sent for me and they told me that the only way I can have brother back is if I do what's happening now. I'm so sorry it has to be like this" She sobbed.

I'm not gonna lie, this is all our fault. We shouldn't really blame her. Her brother is the only family she has left. I do feel guilty.

"Oh" Was all I managed to say. She blinked then swam away to go meet the Minolan soldiers.

"Guys don't you think that part of this is our fault?" I asked then all responding in affirmation.

"We shouldn't really blame her" Ari said.

"Alright losers, get in the carriage" One of the guards said, leading us towards a beautiful patented coral carriage with huge seahorses piloting it.

"Let's just hope what the elders told me is true" I said as we entered the carriage and the guard slammed the door shut.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the super late update. I've just been busy with life. (Yes I have a life). School life, everything but finally I made up time to finish this chapter. I hope you like it.

Question- Do you think Suzy should be blamed for what she did? Leave your answers in the comment section. Thanks.

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