Chapter 20- Painful Pasts

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Read the A/N at the end please.

Akira's POV

"You see, I'm gonna make this quick and more painful so sit tight and relax. Or actually.... don't cause you'll be tossed around like a coral sack" Karina sneered, cracking her lean knuckles.

I pulled myself up to a sitting position whilst relaxing on the cold stone wall. She cackled and rushed towards me. With all the energy I had left in me, I dodged her and rolled to the other end of the room.

That's one thing with adrenaline. The rush is so amazing. With one push, I was back on my feet, well, tail.

"Who's the coral sack now?" I taunted, making her growl. I guess she didn't like it... Well, good for me.

"I'll make you regret that" She growled, suddenly turning green.

"Akira, she's reaching her full mermaliyian state!" Ariana yelled.

"What the hell is a mermaliyian state?" I questioned, as confused as shit.

"It's when you're power reaches its peak. It takes time to master and when it's mastered, you can activate it anytime" Ariana screamed.

"Well, now you're telling me" I muttered. Before I could say the 'h' in 'hey', I was flung to the other side of the castle, breaking about five stone walls, as I did so.




"Holy shit!" I cursed, finding it difficult to stand on my own two feet, sorry tail! What is it today with me and feet. I saw green Karina swim towards me in an infuriatingly slow manner, like the bad guys do when they are stalking you in movies.

"Just give up and make this slow and less painful" She said, towering over me with a sly smirk on her face. I chuckled, most things people don't usually so when they facing their death. She looked at me like I grew a second head.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" She questioned. I tilted my head to the side and she turned backwards and her eyes rounded in surprise.

"Missed me?" Nakira grinned, looking like we wasn't just battered up a few minutes ago. Before she knew it, she was at the other side of the room, helpless and battered.

"Go get the crown, I'll hold her off" Nakira said, keeping his attention on Karina who was getting up now, looking mad as hell. She was turning green and Nakira was turning a deep shade of blue.

"Kay" I said and swam off to God knows where. I swam out of the courtyard and I saw four hallways. Which one do I choose? I became frustrated. I decided to choose through a game.

"Enie Menie Mi..." You know how it goes and it ended at the fourth door. I trusted my instinct and entered the hallway. It was dimly lit and reeked of despair and agony. Don't ask me how.

Suddenly my ring started beaming when I got to a particular door. The door was tall. Say fifty feet. It had the inscriptions on my ring and the door was also beaming. I walked towards the door and tried to open it but my hand passed through it.

Like the clumsy girl I am, I ended up falling inside the room. It was covered in null colors. Grey stone walls with a white rug and various black Mermaidian inventions. Then I saw a picture that made my heart stop. It was my dad with his brother, my uncle Minos. They looked happy together, like they didn't know that soon, all the smiles will be gone.

"I knew I should have finished you off myself" Minos growled as he turned his swivel chair around, revealing his never ending scowl. He poured some drink into a short glass.

"Sea whiskey?" He asked and I stared at him like he didn't know I was 16 and couldn't even handle a shot of spiked punch. I shook my head and he shrugged his shoulders and swallowed it all in one gulp.

"So I see you want my crown" He said dully and I rolled my eyes. Way to hit the hammer on the head. I sighed and nodded knowing that he wouldn't just hand to me on a silver platter.

"Why? Don't you like this empire I've built? Your father did nothing but make treaties and forge alliances with weak dynasties. I decided to take the throne and show him what a better place Mermaidia can be once we add a little brutality. Now look, we are one of the most feared empires in all oceans, if not the best" He bragged.

"And what did it cost you? Your only brother's life? His wife's life?" I said, feeling the tears well up. "Your wife's life".

Sadness flashed in his eyes for a second. He grunted and poured in another glass of sea whiskey.

"Catherina was the best thing that has ever happened to me. When she gave birth to Karina, I was overjoyed. She was given birth to a few months after to you and your brother were born. I was filled with rage when I found that Catherina couldn't conceive again because she had a problem with her uterus. I knew she would never give me a male child that I would brag about just like Deruso did when he had Nakira" He said ruefully. I almost started to feel pity for him.

He was jealous.

"I decided to turn people against Deruso. I made think that Mermaidia is becoming weak and will soon crumble, that they needed a strong leader. I was thirsty for power. I didn't mind if blood was shed. Catherina was against it but I pushed her aside. Not knowing she was pregnant with a miracle baby. A male. She was having one of her tantrums and she was starting to get on my nerves. I was so angry about the feeling of not having a male child that I didn't know when I started using my magic to make her strangle herself" He said and I gasped.

We all thought that Catherina ran away and died soon after when she went into the forbidden abyss and got killed by the sea beast.

"It was after that I discovered that she had been pregnant with a male child and I just lost it. I raged war on your father and whosoever was loyal to him and many lives were lost that day. I regret nothing" He grunted, finishing his fifth cup.

"You're a monster" I sobbed. I can't believe he choked his pregnant wife and killed his brother for what? Power? I stared at the man I call my uncle with hatred, sadness, pity and rue. He grunted as he got up and started swimming towards me.

"I'm gonna end you like I ended your parents" And with that, I started choking myself.

A/N: Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while but I have a good reason why. I saw that people are no longer reading MBFIAM so I decided to stop publishing. But I realized that I still have a few lovely readers so I decided to dedicate this chapter to you all.

I love you guys💖


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