Chapter 1: New Start

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(FYI this chapter takes place is 2014)


Today was not a good day. It was the first day of high school. At least I'll have Grayson and Ethan by my side.

Grayson and Ethan are my best friends. I've known them my whole life so we've all grown pretty close.

I got out of bed stretching my arms while yawning.

"Ugh" I complained.

I went into my closet to pick out some clothes. I didn't really care what I wear. I don't usually dress to impress.

I pulled out a pair of light blue ripped jeans, then pulled out a black tube top and some black vans. I got dressed and headed to the bathroom.

I brushed my long, dark brown hair, then brushed my teeth.

I did my normal makeup routine: concealer, bronzer, highlighter, and mascara.

I headed down stairs to eat breakfast.

My mom was cooking eggs and bacon while my dad was sitting at the dining room table, reading a newspaper.

My mom came over to me and scrunched my checks into little balls.

"Please stop mom." I said uncomfortably.

"I still can't believe you're in high school. How exciting!" My mom said kissing me on the forehead.

She released her hands causing my checks to be really red.

I touched my forehead realizing my mom had left lipstick marks. My dad was laughing quietly to himself.

I headed to the bathroom. I washed off my red forehead, revealing my tan skin tone.

I left the bathroom and swung my backpack around my shoulder.

"Bye mom and dad." I said heading towards the front door.

"Are you sure you don't want any breakfast deer?" My mom shouted.

"I'm good." I said.

My mom was about to say something, but I cut her off by shutting the door.

I walked over to Grayson's and Ethan's house. I knocked on their door.

Grayson opened the door. He was wearing a light gray sweatshirt, black jeans, and black converse. His dark brown hair was laying to the side of his face. Ethan was right behind him wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt, grey jeans, and black adidas shoes. His hair was kind of messy.

"Are you guys ready to go to school." I asked smiling.

"I'm ready." Grayson said, then turning to Ethan. "Are you E?"

"Yep." Ethan said with confidence.

They both walked out of the door closing it behind them.

We all walked to high school together for the first time.

When we stepped into the school, it was huge. Kids and lockers everywhere.

"We actually get full lockers this year. I'm locker number 204. What about you guys?" I said with excitement in my eyes.

"I'm locker number 206." Grayson said.

"I'm 643, which is all the way up stairs." Ethan's voice filled with disappointment.

"Aww, poor Ethan." Grayson punched the side of Ethan's arm lightly.

"We'll come and visit you upstairs all the time Ethan." I lightly patted his back, being a little dramatic.

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