Chapter 9: Birthdays

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I was sitting at my lunch table, curly my hair with my finger, bored as fuck.

Ethan and Grayson where gone in California, visiting their grandparents. They usually sit with Abigail and I at lunch, but since they're gone, I sat with Abigail, Ella, and Krystal.

We where taking about random stuff until Tyler walked up to our table with his friends.

"Hey." I gave him my full attention.

"Hi Eliza." He smiled at me. Then looked at Abigail, Ella, and Krystal. "Hey ladies."

They waved there hands.

"Can we sit here?" He asked.

"Of course." I scooted over so they would have room to sit.

They sat down and his friends started making small talk with my friends, leaving us the only ones to talk.

"So it's been awhile since we've talked. Catch me up." I took a sip of my coke.

"Not really much has happened, just busy with football." He said.

"Cool, are you trying to get a scholarship?"


I nodded my head awkwardly.

"Where's Grayson?" He asked out of the blues.

"In California, visiting family." I answered.

"Are you guys still a thing?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not anymore, why?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"It's just..." he tried to speak but something was just holding him back.

"Just what?" I was trying to get it out of him.

"It's just, I really like you."

"What?!" I was shocked.

That's why he ignored me for a little while. He liked me and was mad that I was with Grayson.

"I do Eliza, I really do. You're so amazing and perfect. You brighten my day every time I see you, but then I realize I can't have because of Grayson, but now because he's out of the picture..."

"Look, you're really sweet and funny, but I just got out of a relationship. Also, Grayson's not out of the picture. Where still friends."

"Got it. Well here's my number if you change your mind."

He handed me a slip of paper with his number written on it.

He got up and walked away. His friends followed.

I watched them as they walked away, still in shock.


"Are you guys interested?" The real estate agent asked.

I looked over to Ethan. He nodded his head to me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, where interested." I said.

I told Eliza that we where visiting our grandparents in California, but no, we are looking for an apartment.

Our birthday is the day we get back, and where turning 15. I'm planning on telling Eliza then.

I just didn't tell her because I was scared to say goodbye. She's been such a huge part of my life and I really don't want to leave her. Even after everything, where still really close.

Where moving to California because it has a lot more opportunities for us. Life's short, we need to do as much as we can.

One Week Later

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