Chapter 11: Goodbyes

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New Year's Eve


I was sitting on the beach, looking at the reflection of the moon on the water. There was a breeze, causing me to shiver.

I heard the sand moving behind me, causing me to turn my head around.

I saw Ethan and Grayson walking over to me with blue blankets wrapped around them.

Grayson sat on my left and Ethan sat on my right.

"Here you go." Grayson wrapped his blanket around me.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile.

"I'm so glad we convinced our parents to take us to Ocean City for New Years." Ethan said while taking in the view.

My face went into an immediate frown when I remembered that Ethan and Grayson are leaving tomorrow.

"Hey. Grayson gave me his attention. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"You can tell us anything. You know that, right?" Ethan said looking at me, then looking back out to the ocean.

"I'm really going to miss you guys." I closed my eyes trying not to cry.

"That's tomorrow's problem." Grayson sighed.

I looked down at my Apple Watch and it read '11:45.'

"Which is in 15 minutes." I sassily said.

"Well let's just not think about it for those 15 minutes then." Grayson gave me a weak smile.

I nodded my head and laid down on the sand.

Ethan and Grayson laid down next to me as we all closed our eyes, hearing the waves crash into the sand.

There was a loud boom which caused our eyes to open.


A smile appeared onto my face, seeing all the colors in the sky explode.

I turned my head towards Grayson and he was smiling even bigger then I was.

I swear his smile could light up the whole world.

"Happy New Year!" Ethan said causing me to turn my head towards him instead.

"Yay, it's 2015!" I replied.



Eliza was mute the whole way we walked to the gate.

"C10" Ethan pointed to our gate and we made our way to it.

Right when we got there, the announcer came on.

"Last call for gate C10, going to LA." It announced.

"Shit, we're late." Ethan chuckled.

"Well, this is when we say goodbye." I said and turned towards Eliza.

She wrapped her arms around me, tightly and I did the same to her.

I could hear her sniffling her nose, about to cry.

She let go of me and hugged Ethan.

"Let me know when I can come visit." She said with cracks in her voice.

"I'll let you know ASAP." I sent her a small smile.

Ethan and I waved to her and right as my back faced her, a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Yo, you okay?" Ethan said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I quickly said and wiped the tear off my face.

We boarded the plane and I couldn't stop thinking about her. About how much I was going to miss her.


I saw Ethan and Grayson board the plane and I couldn't help but cry.

"We're all going to miss them." Lisa, the twins mom said.

She came over and hugged me, I immediately hugged her back.

"They're lucky to have you." She spoke over my shoulder.

I pulled away from the hug and tilted my head to the side, wanting to know more.

"You bring out the best in them, Eliza. You cheer them up when they're down, you're always there for them." She admitted.

A small smile appeared on my face.

"But they're gone now." The smile wiped off my face.

She placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Listen Eliza, you've been best friends with them since you guys were born. You guys have over come lots of obstacles together and this is just another one. Trust me, this isn't going keep you guys apart for long." She gave me a smile and started walking away from the gate. I followed her.

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