Chapter 7: Forgive Me

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I woke up on the living room couch to the sound of the stove sizzling. I rubbed my eyes, and looked over to see my mom cooking some bacon.

"Good morning sweetie." I heard her say.

"Morning, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's eleven. So your whole day isn't over yet."

"SHIT, I HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL!" I said in a panic.

"It's Saturday, are you okay?" My said said chucking a little bit.

"Forgot. I'm going to go upstairs to take a shower."

"Do you want any bacon?"

"I'm okay for now, thanks."

I went upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone and texted Abigail.

Me: hey, can we talk?

I knew she probably wouldn't answer or say no because yesterday I kissed her boyfriend, Ethan. I wouldn't want to talk to me either, but she's my best friend and I need us to be okay.

I took a hot, steamy shower which felt amazing. It was a huge stress reliever.

I heard my phone buzz.

I got out of the shower, and wrapped myself in my towel.

I checked my phone.

Abigail: I really don't want to talk to you right now

Me: please, it's the only way we can fix this

Abigail: I don't know if this is fixable

Me: well let's at least try, I couldn't image having a life without you

Abigail: fine, meet me at my house in an hour

A small smile appeared onto my face.

I got dressed, then had some breakfast. By then it was about time to talk to Abigail.

I went over to her house. I couldn't lie, I was a little nervous.

I rang the door bell, then waited. About a minute later, Abigail opened the door.

"Hey." Is all I managed to get out.

Her face stayed blank. She let me inside to the kitchen. She sat on one of three kitchen stools, while I sat on the kitchen counter.

I began to talk.

"Abigail, I'm so so so sorry. It was such a bitchy thing for me to do, I don't even know why I did it. I promise I will never do anything like that again. Your my best friend and my life would be complete shit without you. Please forgive me."

She let out a sigh.

"I really want to forgive you, but I don't know."

"I totally understand, let's go have some fun today and see if you forgive me then."

"Yeah, I really need to let loose and have some fun."

"Wait, let loose? Like go to a party?"

"Yeah, a kid named Justin is throwing one tonight. It starts at 8."

"Well we better get shopping for the perfect outfits."

She let out a smile, which made me feel one hundred percent better.

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