Chapter 3: Good Pain

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One Week Later


I was outside on the foot ball field during lunch. I was in a little circle with Abigail and my other friend Ava.

Grayson was on the other side of the field talking to some of his friends.

Abigail, Ava, and I were talking about maybe throwing a party. I pulled out my phone to write down a guest list.

In the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw Grayson punch the guy right across from him.

I dropped my phone and ran towards Grayson. It felt like everything was in slow motion.

The guy Grayson punched, started beating him up. Blood was streaming down Grayson's face.

I got in the middle of the fight trying to break it up. I felt a boney, cold hand hit my face, causing my head to swing to the side.

I touched my left cheek, where I got hit. The fight stopped.

"WHAT THE FUCK! TOUCH HER AGAIN, AND YOU'LL REALLY GET IT!" Grayson said in the harshest voice I've ever heard him use.

Grayson grabbed my hand and led me inside the school to the bathroom. He picked me up and put me on the bathroom counter.

Grayson put his hand on my right cheek. He looked deep into my eyes.

"I can't believe that guy had the urge to punch you. What a dick move." Grayson said calming down a little.

I put my hand over Grayson's hand.

"I can't believe that guy had the urge to punch you."

Grayson inched closer to my face. His lips connected to mine causing my heart to race. He released my lips and looked at me, waiting to see if I was okay with him kissing me.

Instead of saying something, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close to me causing him to crash into my lips.

I never thought in a million years I would be kissing Grayson Dolan. It felt so right.

I disconnected from Grayson's lips.

"We need to get you cleaned up." I said jumping off the table.

I grabbed a paper towel and wetted it. I dabbed the towel on Grayson's face, wiping off the blood.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Grayson said staring at me.

I bit my lip, looking down at my feet.

"I'm not, my whole left cheek is busted up."

"You can pull off anything."

I giggled.

I was done cleaning Grayson's face, he then cleaned mine. I swept Grayson's hair to the side and then pecked his lips.

"We better get to class, we're late." I said heading to the door way.

Grayson grabbed my wrist.

"Meet me by my locker after school." He said licking his bruised lips.

I nodded and left.

The rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I smiled to myself but then realized that our friendship had ended. We where more than friends now.

When the last bell rang, I rushed to Grayson's locker. Grayson was packing up his backpack.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey Eliza. Do you possibly want to go on a date sometime soon?" Grayson asked.

His face got really red. It was so cute.

"Yeah, actually my parents are out of town right now. You can come over tonight and we can binge eat and watch some movies." I said curling a piece of my hair with my finger.

Grayson laughed a little.

"Yeah, I'll be over at 6:00 PM. Does that work for you?"


I saw Ella walking by me in the hall, I caught up with her.

"Oh hey Eliza." Ella said.

"Hi." I said back.

She looked at me then immediately stopped.

"Oh my fucking god Eliza, what happened to your face?"

Ella seamed concerned.

"Oh, I tried to break up a fight, but instead got in the middle of it."

"Who was fighting."

"Grayson and some dick who I don't know."

"Oh, I heard a few people talking about it in the halls. That dick is a kid named James."

"Well fuck him."

"Why did Grayson even punch James in the first place though?"

"Huh, I don't really know. I'll ask him tonight."

"Are you guys going on s date?"


"I'm not surprised."

"What do you mean?"

"You guys are perfect for each other. I think everybody knew you two were going to end up together someday."

I smiled.

"Well have fun on your date. When your done, call me and tell me everything that happens."

"Are we in middle school?"

"Mentally for me, yes."

I laughed.

"Well bye Ella."

"Bye Eliza."

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