Chapter 10: Christmas

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Christmas Day


I was sound asleep until someone suddenly jumped on top of me. I barely opened my eyes, and saw Eliza.

"Morning sleepy head." She smiled.

I took the pillow next to me and covered my face with it.

"No. It's to early to get up." I complained.

"It's 11. We've all been waiting for you to get up so we can open presents." She pretended to be annoyed.

"Fine." I whined.

I tried to get up, but Eliza was still laying on top of me.

"Get off." I chuckled.

"But I'm comfy." She grinned.

A small smirk appeared on my face as I had just come up with an idea.

I started tickling her making her roll all over the place.

"Ethan, stop." She laughed.

After a little while, I did and then got out of bed.

Eliza was still laying in bed, a little out of breath.

I threw her over my shoulder and started walking to the living room where everyone was gathered to start opening presents.

"Ethan, put me down." She giggled while kicking her legs in the air.

I let out a small laugh.

God, I'm going to miss this.

I threw her on the living room coach, on top of Grayson.


Eliza's head landed on my thighs, causing me to tense up a little.

"Hi." She softly said, with a big smile on her face.

"Hi." I smiled, staring into her eyes.

"You kids ready ready to open presents?" My mom said causing me to break eye contact with Eliza.

"Yeah." Eliza, Ethan, and I said in sync.

"I want to give out my presents first." Ethan grabbed three presents from underneath the tree.

He handed one to me, one to Eliza, and one to our parents.

My hand traced along the blue wrapping paper, then ripping it apart.

There was a medium white box with the apple symbol on it. It was an iPad.

"Dude." I looked up to him. "You seriously got this for me?"

He nodded his head, smiling.

I got of the coach and hugged him.

"Thanks." I softly said.

I looked over to Eliza, and she was holding a white Polaroid.

"So we can take even more pictures." Ethan pointed to the Polaroid.

"Thanks so much Ethan." She said then hugging him.

"Smile." She giggled, suddenly taking a picture of Ethan.

"What the hell?" Ethan laughed, trying to get the film that had just came out of the camera.

Eliza pulled out the film, keeping Ethan from grabbing it.

She started running around the house, laughing while Ethan chased her.

She ran towards me and quickly showed me the picture of Ethan, before he snatched from her.

I could see why Ethan wanted to get it from her. It was a really embarrassing photo of him.

I let out a little chuckle.

"My turn." I said and grabbed the presents, then handing them out to everyone.

I sat down next to Eliza while Ethan, my parents, and Eliza's parents sat across from us.

Eliza opened her present then immediately shot her up to mine.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly as I did the same to her.

"Thank you." She whispered into my ear.

"You're welcome." I whispered back.

We let go each other and she held up the gold necklace that said Eliza on it, that I just gave to her.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?" I offered.

She nodded her head and turned around.

I clipped the necklace around her neck.

She turned back around, smiling.

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