Chapter 19: Wake Up

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I rushed through the hospital doors, eager to see Eliza.

"Slow down, Grayson." Ethan said trying to catch up to me, but I didn't. I didn't slow down.

I didn't see Abigail or Mrs. May when I entered the room, so I figured they were in Eliza's room.

I went up to the front desk and the lady lead me and Ethan to the room. I saw Eliza on the hospital bed, with her eyes shut. I ran over to her and kneeled beside her. I grabbed her hand and started to tear up.

"Eliza." I whispered in pain.

"She's going to be okay, Grayson." Abigail started rubbing my back.

"Did the doctor say that or are you just making it up?"

She didn't say anything and the thought of Eliza not waking up rushed through my mind.

About ten minutes lasted and it was silent except for the sound of my cries.

"I should of never left." I broke the silence.

"What?" Abigail asked, confused.

"I should over never left for LA. If I was here, I could of stopped this from happened. It's all my fault." I admit.

"It's totally not your fault dude. It was no ones fault." Ethan kneeled beside me.

"He's right." Abigail added.

I nodded my head but didn't believe it. I'm her boyfriend for god sake, I should of been there to protect her.

Abigail went home later because her parents were worried and Mrs. May also went home but was coming back tomorrow morning. It was just Ethan, Eliza, and me in the room.

"I need some sleep. I'm going to get a hotel and you can come whenever." Ethan patted my back and started walking out the door.

"I'll text you." I said before he left completely.

I stayed with Eliza the whole night, not closing an eye because there was a little hope in me that she would wake up.

One Week Later

It's been a week and Eliza still hasn't woken up. I'm getting very concerned. I've spent everyday and night in her room, waiting. I get a maximum of five hours of sleep a night, but I make sure to stay in her room at all times.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head and saw Ethan and Abigail.

"Hey. Let's all go get a bite to eat. I'm starving." Abigail suggested.

"I'm going to stay here, sorry." I replied.

"Bro, you can't just stay here 24/7. You need to get out a little and relax." Ethan told me.

"I can't relax. If I was on the other side of the planet, I still wouldn't be able to relax. I need to be here when she wakes up." I explained.

"I don't think she'll wake up in the next hour or so. Just come on. We've both missed hanging out with you." Ethan walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Umm..." I debated weather or not I should go. I mean... one hour or so shouldn't really matter. "Fine, I'll go, but where getting pizza."

"Yay!" Abigail threw her arms up in excitement.

I rolled my eyes due to her over reaction. Ethan  gestured his head to the door, letting us know to start heading out. We all walked to the nearest pizza place. Abigail and Ethan wouldn't stop flirting the whole way there.

Ethan ordered a pineapple pizza like always. We all decided to share it.

Ethan wrapped his arm around Abigail's shoulder and a blush appeared on her face. Are they a thing again?

"Are you guys back together or something?" I asked curiously.

Ethan looked over at Abigail. They looked confused on what to say.

"I guess you could say that." Abigail finally answered.

I smile took over my face. I'm glad they worked things out after Ethan and Eliza kissed. Eliza is going to be so excited when she finds out... if she'll ever be awake to find out.

We all scarfed down the pizza pretty quickly. Right when we were done, we headed back to the hospital.

Eliza was still asleep in her bed when we got back. God, I hope she wakes up soon.

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