Chapter 15: Leaving

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Something wet touched me, causing me to wake up.

I scrunched the sand in my hand in annoyance.

I looked over to Eliza and she was still sound asleep on my chest.

I looked over to what touched me.

The tide.

I picked Eliza up bridal style while she was still asleep. The apartment was too far away so I started to walk to the nearest hotel.

While I was carrying her, she started to wake up.

"Good morning." I teased her.

She let out a light, tired laugh

"Morning" she teased back. "Why are you carrying me?"

"The tide came and you were still asleep. Where going to a hotel because the apartment is to far."

"Oh, that's to bad, I was comfortable." She said.

"Me too, do you want me to put you down?" I asked.

"No, this is fun." She lightly chuckled.

I let out a light laugh and continued walking. When we reached the hotel, I put her down and we went inside.

"A room for one night please." I told the receptionist.

"That will be $120." She said.

I inserted my card into the chip reader and paid.

"I'll pay you back." Eliza whispered.

"No need to, this ones on me." I whispered back.

She send me a smile and I did the same to her.

"Room 407." The receptionist said and handed us our room key.

"Thank you." Eliza and I both said in harmony.

"Enjoy your stay." She smiled.

We went up to our room and Eliza belly flopped onto the bed. I jumped right next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Love you." I whispered into her ear.

"Love you too." She placed a hand on the back of my neck and pecked my lips.

We fell asleep again and didn't get disturbed unlike earlier tonight.

The Next Morning


I woke up in Grayson's grip. I slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake him up.

He rolled over and rubbed his eyes. Oops.

"Good morning sunshine." His raspy voice said.

"Good morning." I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"We should get going back to the apartment." He said.


We walked back to the apartment and we both took showers and got dressed into new clothes.

"Where were you guys last night?" Ethan asked.

"We fell asleep on the beach but then went to a hotel." Grayson answered.

"Should of invited me." Ethan sarcastically complained.

"Forgot." I lightly laughed.

My phone started buzzing causing me to flinch.

Oh shit, it was my mom.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.

"Are you still with Abigail?" Her worried voice asked.

"Yeah." I lied.

"Oh, okay. Just needed to know where you were."

"Okay, love you. Bye."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone.

"I have to leave soon. I can't just keep ditching school and my family." I sadly said.

"We get it." Grayson softly rubbed my back.

"Let us pay for your flight home." Ethan offered.

"No, you guys have done plenty for me." I said. "I'm going to go pack."

I went to my room and started packing.

I'm really going to miss them, but I'm going to find away to see them again, permanently. Maybe I'll take that modeling job and save enough money.

I folded my last shirt and placed it in my suitcase.

I booked a flight for later tonight.

We all went on with our day and had a pretty good time until it was my time to leave.

We drove to the airport in silence.

At my gate I said goodbye to Ethan and walked over to Grayson.

"I've loved you since we were kids. I will love you for as long as I can." He placed his hands under mine. "I'll miss you like crazy."

"Grayson, this trip has been amazing and I'll find away to come back and be around you everyday. I love you too and I'm so mad at myself for just realizing this." I looked down to my feet about to cry.

"Don't be mad at yourself. It's totally fine, okay?"

I nodded my head and I tear slipped down my cheek. He wiped it off with his thumb and embraced me.

I kissed his warm lips one last time. I felt warmth immediate rush through my body. He placed his hand on my torso and I placed mine on his cheek.

We unattached our lips but kept our faces inches apart.

"I love you." I truthfully said.

"I love you too." He closed his eyes in pain.

I slowly walked away and boarded the plane. I didn't look back because I knew it was just going to hurt more.

I'm going to miss that boy.

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