Chapter 20: Moments to Live For

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Three Weeks Later


Today marks the day, the day Eliza has been in a coma for a month. A complete month.

I was holding her hand, drawing circles with my thumb on her knuckles. I felt her hand slightly move in mine. My head immediately shot up at her sudden movement.

I watched as her eyes, her stunning eyes slowly open. She blanked a couple of times before turning her head towards me.

I was about to scream in happiness, but didn't because I didn't want to overwhelm her.

"Hi." I smiled, keeping everything in.

"Hi." She smiled back. "What happened?"

I thoroughly explained everything that happened to her, not leaving out detail.

"Is Ella okay?" Worry filled her eyes.

"She's completely fine. She left the hospital a couple of weeks ago." I told her and she let out a sigh in relief.

"I'm such a terrible person. This is all my fault. I got Ella injured and everyone else worried out of their minds, including you." I tear slipped out of her eye.

"Hey, hey, hey." I wiped the tear from under her eye. "None of this is your fault, none of this is anyone's fault."

She closed her eyes, trying to hold in her tears. She finally opened them back up and turned her head back towards me.

"I love you." She stared deep into my eyes.

"I love you too." I stared back.

She placed her soft hand on my cheek and I leaned in to kiss her. An immediate bolt of energy flowed through my body, feeling her lips on mine. No one else makes me feel this way except her, it will always be her.

"I better go tell the doctor that you're awake. Also I'm sure that your mom, Abigail, and Ethan will be very happy to see you." I said before walking out of the door.

"Wait." She said, stopping me. "Isn't Abigail mad at me? Why would she want to see me?"

"She's not mad at you anymore. She just realized how small the problem was compared to you. She's completely over it and will be thrilled to see that you're awake." I exited the door and told the doctors that she finally woke up.

I decided to wait in the waiting room while Mrs. May and Abigail saw her. I didn't want to interrupt their moment. After awhile, I entered the room again with Ethan.

"Ethan." Eliza smiled.

"Eliza!" He almost yelled and went over to hug her in her bed.

I shushed him, not wanting him to startle her.

"You're so sweet Grayson, but I can handle Ethan's yelling. I'm always around it." She chuckled.

The rest of the day went by with a bunch of visitors coming in to see Eliza. Finally it was time for us to go to bed.

I set down a pillow and a blanket in the chair next to her bed, the chair I've slept in every night for the past month.

"You don't have to stay if you want. I feel bad for holding you hostage here." She grabbed my wrist.

"I want to stay here, with you." I said and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Well you're definitely not sleeping in that chair." She scooted to the other side of her bed, making room for me. "Sleep here." She patted the small, empty space beside her.

I hoped in the bed and wrapped the white sheets around me. It was a small bed but it was fine because we snuggled, making it work.

"Good night." I gripped her waist and pulled her even closer to me.

"Night." She pecked my lips.

These are the moments I live for. The moments when you feel complete, the moments when you feel loved, the moments when you feel okay again.

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