Chapter 21: Tomorrow

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One Week Later


Today is the day, the day I get to leave the hospital. As much as I loved skipping school, it got kind of boring at some points. The last day of school is this Friday so I don't have much more time before summer.

Grayson suddenly started moving beside me, his hands moving around my waist.

"Good morning, beautiful." His husky voice whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I left a soft kiss on his nose before getting up.

"You excited?" He said, propping himself on his elbow.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged.

He pulled down the sheets that were covering him, and stepped out of bed. His placed his two large hands on my waist and stared deep into my eyes.

"Hey, you only have like a week left. You're going to have tons of fun seeing all of your friends one last time before summer." He gave me a look, seeing if understood.

I nodded.

He placed his forehead onto mine, only separating our lips by about an inch.

"I love you Eliza, I really do."

"I love you too, and always will."

I closed the small gap between us, sending electric waves down my body. Our lips moved in sync, reminding me every reason why I loved this kid.

I heard the door open, as both of our heads shot up. Ethan stood in the doorway, regretting opening it.

"I didn't mean to disturb, I'll be in the hallway." He put his hands up so innocently before starting to back away.

"Ethan, no, stay. We were about to leave anyways." I walked to the door, signaling my head for them to follow.

Grayson grabbed my hand while we walked to his car. He got into the front seat while I got into the passenger seat, leaving Ethan to the back.

"Nooo, I don't want the back." Ethan whined while covering his eyes with his hands.

"Sorry dude." Grayson chuckled.

"Why does Eliza get the front seat?"

"Because she's my girlfriend and she just got out of the hospital." Grayson gave him a stern look.

"Okay, okay. Just wondering."

The whole way back I couldn't stop looking out the window. It was so weird to see outside even though I've only been in the hospital for a little over a month.

Grayson took his right hand off the steering wheel and placed it on my thigh. I looked up to him, and sent him a smile.

"I've thought a lot about this summer. It's going to be really fun." He also sent me a smile.

"Can't wait, my expectations are high so you better not disappoint me." I sarcastically warned him.

"Hopefully not." He chuckled.

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