Chapter 16: Fight

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The Next Day at School


I nudged Eliza on her arm. We were at lunch so I wasn't distracting her. She looked over to me for a second, then stared back into space.

"Want me to buy you lunch?" I offered.

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

I'm worried about Eliza. She hasn't eaten all day and I'm pretty sure it will be like that for a few more.

She hasn't really talked a lot today either. She's only talked about Grayson and how she misses him. I'm kind of getting annoyed.

She let out a huge sigh.

"Grayson, I just-" she started.

"Miss him." I finished rolling my eyes.

She gave me a look and then looked away.

I know she's going through a hard time, but I'm just tired of her talking about him. At least she has someone.

After School


I grabbed my backpack and started walking out the school doors.

"Eliza!" I heard someone shout.

I turned around and saw Abigail. She caught up to me holding the straps of her backpack.

"Wanna hangout?" Her joyful voice asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down to my feet. I've just been really sad since I left Grayson.

"What the fuck Eliza?" Abigail's tone became angry.

I shot my head up and narrowed my eyebrows.

She stopped making me stop too.

"You've been so negative to me since you got back. I never did anything to you, ever and you treat me like this Eliza? That's fucked up." Her face got red in anger.

"I'm sorry, it's just Grayson. I love him and it's hard to be away from him." I explained trying to calm her down.

"Grayson, of course. I'm tired of hearing you complain about him. You don't realize how lucky you are. At least you have someone. I had someone and you know what happened there."

"Yeah. He liked me and not you so you don't know what it feels like to love and be loved back by someone." I fought back. "Especially to be thousands of miles away from that person.

She stopped and she just stared right into my eyes.

"I can't believe you right now." She broke eye contact with me and walked away, hitting my shoulder with hers

I tear rolled down my cheek due to everything I've been through these past couple of days. First I loose my boyfriend, then I loose my best friend. I must of really fucked up.

I walked home, trying not to cry but failed. I went straight to my room. I changed into my pajamas and decided to go to bed. It was only four but it was a long day.

My phone started ringing on my night stand, causing me to wake up.

I grabbed it and saw it was Grayson FaceTiming me.

I accepted the call but put the camera down on my sheets so he couldn't see me.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hi." I said back.

"Where's my girlfriend?" He asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"Where's my girlfriends face?" He restated.

"You don't want to see me, trust me. I look like complete shit." I warned him.

It wasn't just that though. If I revealed myself, he would see that I was crying earlier due to my puffy face and blood shot eyes.

"Impossible." He said.

I flipped my phone around revealing myself.

I saw a smile take over his face.

"There she is. My beautiful girlfriend."

I blushed a little and lightly smiled.

"Wait, have you been crying?" His smile faded.

"Long story." I bit my lip and looked down to my sheets.

"I have all the time in the world."

I sighed before starting.

"Well Abigail and I got into a fight, and I just miss you so much."

"I miss you too, trust me. What happened with you and Abigail?"

"Well I guess I was complaining a little to much about missing you." I sighed.

He lightly smiled, flattered but then it turned into a frown thinking about me and Abigail being in a fight.

"Just apologize if you think you were in the wrong. After that, just wait. Time heals everything."

"You're right."

"Or course I am." He laughed.

"Love you, talk to you later." I lightly laughed.

"Love you too. Call if you need to talk about anything. Anything, I mean it. I'm here for you." He said.

"And vice versa." I added.

He smiled and then I hung up the phone. God, he knows exactly what to say every time I need him.

I need to fix this.

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