Chapter 12: Lonely

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Two Months Later


Everyday now feels... empty. Don't get me wrong, I have the best friends in the world who are here with me now, but a part of me feels missing.

The bell rang, dismissing school. I snapped back into reality.

I walked down the halls, searching for my locker.

"Eliza!" I heard a voice say.

I turned around and saw Abigail.

"Hey." She said catching up to me.

I gave her a forced smile.

"Do you wanna go grab some pizza?" She asked.

"Okay, whatever." I replied blandly.

She stopped in the hallway making me stop too.

"Is everything okay Eliza? You've been really out of it the last few months." She became serious.

"I just really miss Ethan and Grayson. That's all." I looked down to my feet.

"I know, you've told me that but it seems like something more. You wouldn't be this sad over a few friends."

What else could it be? That's all I can think of.

"Maybe you're right, but I don't know."

"Okay Eliza, I'm always here for you and you can tell me anything." She said then continued walking.

I grabbed my backpack out of my locker, and then we walked to go get get some pizza.

I ordered pineapple pizza, just like Ethan always did.

We sat down at a small table and ate.

We talked about random stuff for about an hour, then we both headed our separate ways.

I walked back to my house.

I unlocked my front door with my silver key.

I walked in, flipping my shoes off my feet and throwing my backpack on a hanger.

"Hey honey, how was school?" My mom greeted me.

"Fine." I said not wanting to get into a conversation.

I walked upstairs, and went into my room.

I pulled my cropped, long sleeve t-shirt over my head, and pulled down my blue, skinny jeans.

I put on a black sweatshirt and gray sweatpants.

I threw my hair into a messy pointy tail and took of all my makeup.

I laid on my bed for about half an hour, playing on my phone. After that I just laid there, feeling empty.

I needed to be with someone but not Abigail or Ella because they were just going to ask if I was okay the whole time.

Krystal and Ava were out of town so I didn't know who to hang out with.

I thought for about a minute and realized I had Tyler. I'm pretty sure his phone number is in my backpack somewhere.

I went down stairs and searched through my whole backpack. Finally I found it in my front pocket.

I went back upstairs to my room and texted him.

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