Chapter 18: Worry

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I stabbed my salad with my fork and brought it to my lips. The cold lettuce soothed my mouth.

My phone started to buzz on the marble table.

"Who's that?" Ethan asked.

I checked my screen and saw it was Abigail. Weird.

"It's Abigail." I replied and picked up my phone. "Hey, what's up?"

"Uh hey, Eliza..." She spoke nervously.

"Eliza what." I became very engaged.

"She and Ella got into a car cash." She finally said.

I dropped the phone and my face went blank.

Why was she driving? What was she doing? And the biggest question, is she okay?

"What the hell happened?" Ethan eagerly asked.

"Eliza, she got into a car crash. We need to go to New Jersey, now."

Ethan stood up from his seat and walked over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

"I'm sure everything will be okay. I'll book a flight for tomorrow." He calmly said, but you could tell he wasn't calm at all.

"Tomorrows not soon enough." I told him.

"Well I'll see the soonest we can get their. Go pack." He tapped my shoulder twice and went up to his room.

If Eliza... dies, then I can not live. She's become a part of me that I can't live without.


I paced around in the hospital waiting room, anxious to see if Eliza and Ella were okay. Sure I was still a little mad at Eliza but pretty much dropped it. I over reacted and got jealous. She's my best friend and I should of comforted her, not got mad at her.

"Abigail West and Karen May." A women in a scrub called out.

Karen is Eliza's mom. She's so nice and she's like my second mom.

Karen got up nervously from her seat and I stoped pacing.

"That's us." Karen said pointing to me.

"Follow me." The nurse started walking down the hallway.

We followed her not knowing what to expect next. She opened a door and we all entered. Eliza was laying on a bed, sound asleep. Her right leg and left hand were wrapped in white bandages. She had a huge scab going across her eyebrow and a band-aid on her cheek. She looked horrible.

"She is currently in a coma and we're unsure if she'll ever wake up. If she does, then she'll be completely fine. I'm very sorry." The nurse sent us a weak smile and exited the room.

I tear slipped down my cheek thinking about if she never wakes up. She's so young and has a life to live. That would absolutely devastating.

I saw Lauren in the side of my eye start balling as she went over to hold Eliza's cold hands.

"I bet she'll wake up. I mean, she has to." I said with cracks in my voice. "She has to." I whispered to myself.

"I hope so, I really do." Lauren's voice filled with sadness.

About after an hour in Eliza's room, I went over to Ella's room. She had a broken arm and a scratched up face, but she was fine. She would only have to be in the hospital for about a week.

I decided to call Grayson and update him on everything.

"Is Eliza okay?" He immediately said when he accepted.

"Well... maybe." I answered, not being sure of what to tell him.

"What do you mean, maybe?"

"She has a broken hand and leg. Also she has a few cuts on her face. The worst thing is, she's in a coma and she might never wake up." The last sentence was hard for me to say.

"This can't be happening. She's the love of my life, my everything." He spoke weakly.

"She's very important to all of us." I truthfully say.

"I'm flying in tonight. Ethan and I will be at the hospital around 10:00pm."

"I'll let everyone know. See ya later."

"Bye." You could tell he was crying by the way he said it. Poor Grayson.

I hung up, not knowing what to do with myself next. I decided to wait, just wait for Eliza to wake up.

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