Chapter 6: Thunder

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One Month Later


Everything was going great. My grades were good, Grayson and I were doing really well, all my friends were great, and I recently made a new close friend named Krystal. The only thing wrong was Tyler. He was avoiding me.

My alarm went off, signaling me to get out of bed. I got out of bed, stretching my arms.

I went to my closet. I put on a pair of black Lulu Lemon leggings, a grey sweatshirt, and black converse.

I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth then putting my hair into a messy bun. I sprayed on a little perfume then headed down stairs for breakfast.

"How'd you sleep honey?" My mom asked.

"Fine." I replied.

I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl that laid in the middle of our kitchen counter.

"Oh, your mom and I are going to meet up with some old friends from college today, so we won't be home for awhile." My dad said, sipping his coffee.

"Okay, love you guys, have fun." I said heading out the front door for school.

I was walking to school and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see it was Krystal.

"Hey." I said waiting for her to catch up to me.

"Hey girl." Krystal said in a sassy voice.

Krystal had long, frizzy dark brown hair. Her skin was a beautiful light brown tone and she had green eyes which made her look very exotic.

I always asked her if she wore green contacts, but the answer was the same every time. No.

We talked about random stuff the whole way to school. We arrived at school and talked a little at her locker.

Ethan was talking in a circle with some other guys. Ethan looked angry for some reason. Out of the blue, Ethan swung a punch at the guy right next to him. My stomach dropped.

The guy pushed Ethan against a locker and punched him in the stomach.

I ran towards them, trying to breakup the fight but couldn't. Krystal tried to step in as well but it didn't split them up.

Ethan pushed the guy off of him then tackled him to to the ground. Both of their faces where bloody, and their bodies were sweaty.

Finally the fighting stopped.
I heard Ethan whisper something into the guys ear.

"Talk shit again, and your dead." I think I heard him say.

"Ethan." I said softly, still in shock of what just happened.

He didn't respond, instead he just left.

I was anxious for the rest of the day, wanting to know if Ethan was okay and what started the fight.

It was last period and I heard two girls talking in front of me.

"Did you hear about the fight this morning?" One girl said.

"With Ethan and Christopher?" The other girl asked.

"Yeah, that one."

"What caused the whole fight?"

"Well someone told me that Christopher was talking shit about Eliza, and Ethan got pissed then punched him."

"Oh, then Christopher fought back?"

"Yeah, well that's what I was told."

"I think Ethan went home after the fight because I have first period with him, and he wasn't there."

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