Chapter 14: LA

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The Next Day


My eyes started to open, seeing black then pale blue which was the wall color. The white, comfy sheets were wrapped around my body keeping me warm.

I could hear light talking coming from the kitchen.

I got up, slowly holding on to the edge of the bed for balance.

I went to my suitcase and pulled out a white tank top and some navy and white striped shorts.

I went into the bathroom and put on some makeup and brushed my hair.

I sprayed a little perfume on and headed to the kitchen.

Grayson and Ethan greeted me, sitting on the kitchen bar stools.

I went and sat on the kitchen counter and scrolled through Instagram on my phone.

It was a little awkward between me and Grayson because we didn't know what we stood. Are we together or not? I don't really know.

Grayson came over to me and pecked my cheek.

"You look pretty today." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

So I guess together.

I blushed looking down to my feet, trying to hide it.

"So lovebirds, I'm fucking starving. Let's go grab a bite." Ethan chuckled.

Grayson and I let out a light laugh and we all headed to Ethan's car.

Ethan got into the drivers seat and Grayson got into the passengers seat. That left me to the back seat.

I belly flopped onto the black, leather seats.

I yawned and curled up into a little ball, pretending to go to sleep.

"What are you doing weirdo?" Grayson turned back to face me.

"I'm tired." I moaned.

"It's 12. You slept in so late this morning. How are you tired?" He chuckled.

"Shut up." I smiled.

We all walked into a breakfast buffet, our mouths watering to the sight and smell of all the food. We rushed over and helped ourselves to a feast.

I walked over to the coffee dispensers which was on the other side of the room.

I grabbed a cup and slowly the coffee poured into to it, splashing a little.

"May I say, you're beautiful." I heard a voice behind me say.

I turned back and saw a women who looked around 30. She had short, golden blonde hair, green eyes, and pink cheeks.

"Thank you." I sent her a smile, flattered.

"Well I work for a modeling agency and we're always looking for new models. Here's my card if you're interested." She handed me a white and blue business card.

"I'll definitely look into it and give you a call." I looked down at the card then back up to her.

"Well great, if you call ask for Jessica."

"I will and know it will be form Eliza." I shook her hand.

We said goodbye and I sat down at the table that Ethan and Grayson where at.

"I didn't know coffee took so long to get." Ethan sarcastically joked.

"I ran into this women that worked for a modeling agency. She gave me her card and told me that I should look into it. I might do it." I took a sip from my coffee.

"I'm not surprised, you're gorgeous." Grayson said, squeezing my thigh with his large, muscular hands.

I tensed up a little but relaxed when he stared rubbing my thigh, softly.

"You should do it and maybe get enough money to move here to LA." Ethan suggested.

"Yeah." Grayson's eyes went wide in excitement.

That's isn't a terrible idea. I would love living here in LA close to my best friend and the love of my life.

"Well if that happens, it would be amazing." I agreed.

"Wait, does your mom know you're here?" Ethan asked.

"No." I guiltily said.

"Wow, rebel here." Ethan laughed.

It's like 12:30 so my mom doesn't expect me to be back yet, but I don't know what I'm going to say when she does. I will probably say I'm hanging out with Abigail again.

My phone buzzed, causing me do jump a little.

I checked it.

Abigail: were are you??
Me: i'm in la
Abigail: what? family vacay or something?
Me: no, realized i loved grayson so decided to visit him. long story, tell u when i get back
Abigail: you better
Me: i will, also if my mom calls can you tell her i'm with you?
Abigail: yesss
Me: thanksss
Abigail: sss

I put my phone down and made eye contact with Grayson.

"Let's talk later." I told Grayson.

I want to talk about were we stand.

"Of course, is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I assured him.

He took his hand and rubbed my back softly, sending me chills.

Grayson and I took a walk along the beach so we would have a peaceful place to talk.

The sunset was reflecting on the water making it look light pink.

The sand felt good under my bare feet, making me relax.

He stopped and sat on the sand. I took a seat next to him and took in the view.

"It's beautiful." I said staring off into the distance.

"It truly is." He agreed.

I looked over to him and could see the reflection of the sunset in his eyes.

"So what's up?" He faced towards me.

"What are we?" I sighed.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Relationship wise, were do we stand?"

He nodded his head, thinking.

"I would say we're a couple." He finally answered.

"Well we just kissed at the airport, that's it." I spoke.

"And we admitted our love for each other, that's a lot." He cupped the side of my face with his hand. "Unless you don't want to be a couple?"

"I do." I smiled.

Before he could say anything else, I leaned in, pressing my lips against his. My lips felt warm with the presents of his.

I slowly moved away and just stared at the sunset.

"What are you thinking about?" He said while also staring at the view.

"Just about how lucky I am, how lucky I am to have you and all of this." I smiled to myself.

He smiled and laid on the sand, both of his hands resting under his head.

I laid down next to him and dug my face into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and we just laid there, hearing the crashing waves and feeling the slight breeze.

Slowly, we drifted off to sleep.

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