Chapter 8: Heartbreaks

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How could she?

Why would she?

Does she even like me?

Does she like Ethan instead?

I was pacing back and forth in my room until I heard a knock on my door.


"Go away. I don't want to talk to you right now." My face flushed red in anger.

"We have to talk at some point." I heard his faded voice say.

I stayed quite.

Soon I saw the door handle twist and Ethan walk in.

"You're really bad keeping people out of your room." He chuckled.

I stayed still, not giving him a reaction.

"You know, there's always two sides to a story." He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Oh really." I crossed my arms still standing.

"Yeah, you just haven't been willing to her mine."

"Fine, go ahead, tell me."

He took a deep breath in and out, then looked up to me.

"I've always liked Eliza. I have since like, forever. I just never told you because you also liked her and I wanted to be a good brother. I finally thought I got over her and liked Abby. I was wrong, deep down I still liked Eliza." He looked down towards his feet.

"This still doesn't explain why you kissed her." I said still angry.

"Well one day I heard Christopher talking shit on Eliza. I punched him, then we got into a fight. After the fight, I went home. Later in the day, I went on a walk to clear my mind. Eliza ran up to me, and thanked me for standing up for her. I don't even know how she found out. I felt something in the moment. I just forgot about everything. All my problems, all my stress, it felt like we where the only two people in the world. I kissed her Grayson. She didn't kiss me, I kissed her. You don't know how sorry I am." Ethan looked up to me with sorrow in his eyes.

"She kissed you back, right?" I questioned.

"Well yeah, she wasn't thinking, I could tell. When I was leaning in to kiss her, I heard her say 'What about Grayson?' but I cut her off. She likes you a lot. She felt so much guilt after. You need to talk to her."

I nodded my head thinking.

"You really have liked her this whole time." I asked uncrossing my arms.

"Yeah. Sorry about not telling you."

"It's okay. I understand you were just trying to be a good brother."

I saw a small smile cross Ethan's lips.

"Talk to Eliza, okay." He said patting my back.

"Okay." I replied.


I felt my phone buzz on my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing them. I then came to my senses. I was laying on a couch, with empty cups and beer bottles surrounding it.

I was still in the house where the party was last night. I guess I just got really drunk and passed out on the couch.

I picked up my phone, realizing it was seven in the morning. I saw that I had a text so I clicked on it.

Grayson: you up? let's talk

I smile took over my face.

Me: well now I am, be over in 20

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