Chapter 13: Love

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I scrolled through the Southwest app, searching for a flight to LA.

I found a ticket and didn't bother telling my parents I was going to LA tomorrow.

I was tired, I was tired of missing them.

I pulled out my suitcase and packed. I didn't know how long I was going to be gone.

I juts packed a ton of t-shits and shorts, and obviously some bathing suits.

I pushed my suit case underneath my bed so my mom wouldn't see it.

I feel asleep without changing clothes because I was so exhausted. This day has been long.

I woke up in the morning to the annoying sound of my alarm. I had to be at the airport by 8:30 AM which was good because that's when school usually starts. I could just tell my mom I was going to school and then to Abigail's house.

I thought suddenly hit my mind that made me stress out.

I haven't even told Ethan and Grayson that I'm coming.

I pulled out my phone and texted them.

Me: hey guys, forgot to tell you that I'm coming to california today

Ethan: no way! what time will you land?

Me: 4 new jersey time so 1 california time

Grayson: so excited to see you

Me: sameee

Grayson: we'll pick you up from the airport and you can stay at our place if you don't have a place to stay

Me: ok, great and i don't have a place to stay so yeah, i'll stay with you losers

Grayson: i'm offended

Me: jk, see you guys soon

Ethan: cya

I changed into a plaid, cropped tank top and some black jeans.

I put my hair up into a high bun and did my makeup.

I slowly lowered my suitcase out the window and headed downstairs.

I greeted my mom, telling her I would be at Abigail's house after school. Then I left for "school."

"Wait, honey." I heard my mom say as she caught me a few inches away from the door. "You forgot your backpack."

I huge relief left my shoulders that she didn't catch me with my suitcase.

"Thanks mom, forgot." I said and got my backpack.

"Goodbye." I heard my mom say.

I went around the house to where I dropped my suitcase.

I grabbed it and left for the airport.

I was so anxious the whole way to see them.

I got to the airport and went through check in and security.

I went and grabbed some McDonald's, then ate at my gate.

"Flight C14, going to Los Angeles, California now boarding." The announcer said.

I went and boarded the plane. I always take the window seat so I can look at the view.

When I was in the plane, I was nervous for some reason. I know I shouldn't be, but I was.

I put in my headphones and listened to some music.

The whole flight I couldn't stop thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about just life itself. Everything has been boring lately but now it's overwhelming.

I know I'm doing the right thing and going to California to see the the twins. Mostly Grayson because I need to confess my love for him. I don't even know how he's going to react or if he loves me back, or even likes me.

I know I wasn't the best girlfriend to him considering I kissed Ethan, but I felt we were a pretty good match.

Then I didn't love him, but I liked him a lot.

The plane landed causing a big thump. I was startled but excited.

I un boarded the plane and walked down the connector that connected the gate to the plane.

Nervousness swarmed my stomach as I was walking.

I got to the point where I could see the gate and then I saw Grayson.

I don't know what my brain was thinking, but I knew what my heart was.

I ran up to Grayson, not noticing anyone around us.

I cupped his perfect jawline. Not thinking twice, I smashed our lips together.

I could tell he was startled, but then he kissed me back.

He gripped his large hands around my waste and kissed me even harder.

Every reason why I love Grayson flowed through my mind. The electricity was crazy, making my back shiver.

Finally, our grips loosened on each other and our eyes opened.

Inches away from each other, I said it.

"I love you." The words came smoothly out of my mouth.

I saw his lips curve up and he blushed.

"I love you too, I've always loved you."

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