Chapter 5: Ditchers

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I've liked Abigail for awhile now and then I finally asked her out. Before I liked Abigail, I liked Eliza and so did Grayson. I didn't tell Grayson I liked her because he was head over heels for her. I don't know my feelings for Eliza right now.

Abigail, Eliza, Grayson, and I headed down to a skate park. When we hit the ramps, Abigail was incredible at skating. I thought I would have to teach her a few things but now I think she needs to teach me some things.

I looked over to Grayson and Eliza. Grayson was holding Eliza's hand, helping her skate. She was laughing. Her long lushes brown hair was blowing in the wind. They kissed.

Then I realized, I realized I still had feelings for Eliza. I wish I was the one teaching her to skate, kissing her.

I looked down to my feet, frowning a little.


Grayson made me smile every second I was with him. He gave me instant butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey, want to get out of here?" Grayson said signaling his eyes to the way of his house.

I knew what he wanted to do.

"Yeah." I said bitting my lip.

"Ethan, Abigail, Eliza and I are going back to my house." Grayson announced.

I looked over to Ethan, he seems kind of bummed. I didn't know why.

Grayson led me to his house, then up to his room. He closed his door and locked it.

"Nobodies home. You don't have to lock the door silly." I laughed.

"I don't know, just incase." Grayson laughed a little.

Grayson walked towards me. He was so close to me that I could see every detail in his face.

He cupped my jawline and slowly kissed me. I closed my eyes absorbing every moment.

He took steps towards the bed causing me to go with him. He lightly laid me down loosing contact with my lips.

He took his black sweatshirt off, revealing his muscular body.

He came back down licking his lips, then kissing me passionately.

I took off my tank top, so I was just in my lace bra. Grayson smirked looking me up and down.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, kissing him harder.

I was sure that I wanted to do this. I was sure until I realized we just became official today. We haven't even said I love you to each other.

I stopped kissing him. He paused.

"Is everything okay?" Grayson asked, while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Can we wait a little?" I asked nervously.

"Of course!" Grayson said standing up. "So what do you want to do instead?"

"Let's watch a movie I guess." I suggested.

"Wait, I have a better idea." Grayson said with his eyes wide open.


"We should go get our finger nails painted."

"Really?" I giggled.

"Oh and you haven't even heard the best part. We would get them painted matching colors."

"Okay, let's go you weirdo."

I put on my tank top and tossed Grayson his sweatshirt.

We headed to the nearest nail salon.

"Mhm." I said looking at the nail polish display.

"Let's get purple." Grayson said, grabbing the purple nail polish.

We got our nails painted and the workers their kept looking at Grayson like he was a freak. He was my freak though.

"Couple goals." I said looking at our nails, walking out of the salon.

Grayson laughed a little.

"I bet Ethan and Abigail are back at the house." I said looking at Grayson.

"Well then we better hurry up."

Grayson picked me up bridal style and started running towards his house. Grayson and I both laughed in joy. Life couldn't get any better then this.

We arrived at the house. We walked in and I saw Ethan's arm around Abigail. They were such a cute couple.

Ethan looked at me, and smiled. Then he looked at Grayson, and his smile dimmed.


I chilled with Grayson, Ethan, and Abigail for awhile then headed home.

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