Chapter 4: Date Night

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When I got home from school, I decided to change into something more comfortable for my and Eliza's date.

I put on an orange tank top and some orange basket ball shorts.

I walked out of my room, and I saw Ethan.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I said going in for a fist bump.

"What are you wearing Grayson?" Ethan said hitting my fist.

"What do you mean. Eliza and I are going on a date, so I changed into something more comfortable."

"You look like a fucking tangerine. Here let me pick out something for you."

Ethan walked into my room then into my closet. He grabbed me a teal t-shirt that had little holes in it. Then he grabbed me some black sweatpants and black vans.

"Here, put this on." Ethan said then walked out of my room.

I put on the clothes. Ethan actually picked me out some decent clothes for once.

I checked my phone, it was 5:50 PM so I walked over to Eliza's house. I knocked on the door. Eliza opened it, then she smiled when she saw at me.

She was wearing a red t-shirt that was a little cropped and jean shorts.


I heard a knock on the door. I ran to go answer it. It was Grayson. I smiled when I saw him. Something about him just made me so happy.

"Come in." I said, reaching my hand out for him to grab.

He grabbed my hand and I led him inside to the couch.

When we sat down, Grayson grabbed my hand. His warm hands made me feel secure.

"So what do you want to watch." I said grabbing the remote with my free hand.

"Let's watch a horror movie." Grayson suggested.

"No way Gray, I'm going to get too scared."

"I'm here, I'll protect you."

"Well you better."

I turned on The Shining. I cuddled up next to Grayson. He rubbed my shoulder lightly.When the movie was over, I turned on Friends.

Grayson kept staring at me.

"What." I said blushing.

I looked up at him. He was staring at my lips. He leaned in. When our lips connected, there was this electrical energy between us.

Grayson put his hand on my face, and he laid down causing me to follow him.

Our lips where in perfect harmony, until Grayson's phone started ringing.

"Shit. I was kind of enjoying this." Grayson said tucking piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Me too." I replied.

I sat up and so did Grayson.

"What's up." Grayson said answering his phone.

"I'm at Eliza's house."


"I'll head home right now."

He hung of the phone.

"I got to go Eliza. My mom wants me home."

I nodded my head.

He gave me one more kiss and left.

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