Chapter 2: Grayson's Thoughts

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Today was my first day of being a freshmen. It was a good day. Eliza made my day even better like she always does.

Eliza is perfect. Her straight, dark brown hair blends perfectly with her tan skin tone. Her eyes, don't get me started on her eyes. They're light blue which makes her look very exotic and beautiful.

I've known Eliza for so long. At first I liked her as a best friend. Then as time passed, I started to like her in different ways.

I don't know when I'm ever going to tell her how I feel. It might ruin our friend ship and she's so important to me.

I heard a knock on the door. I was up stairs in my room so Ethan opened it. I couldn't tell who it was.

"GRAYSON! ELIZA IS HERE FOR YOU." I heard Ethan shout.

I ran downstairs to where Ethan and Eliza where standing.

"Hey Grayson." Eliza's soft, sweet voice said. "I was wondering if we could do our math homework together. Even though we aren't in the same class, we still have the same homework."

I nodded and walked up stairs to my room. Eliza followed.

Eliza sat on the edge of my bed. She started pulling out her homework from her backpack.

God she was so gorgeous, I couldn't stop staring at her.


I headed over to the twins house asking if Grayson and I could do our homework together. I was up in Grayson's room, pulling out my stuff and he just kept staring at me.

"Are you good Gray?" I said looking up at him, stopping what I was doing.

Grayson said "Yeah." While shaking his body a little. "I'm just tired."

"Same." I said yawning. "I wish we could just sleep."

"We can do our homework later, let's just take a nap to regain our energy." Grayson suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't a bad idea.

Grayson laid down on his bed.

"I'm going to sleep whether you join me or not." Grayson said getting comfy on top of his covers.

I laid down next to Grayson. Grayson's eyes where already closed. I curled up into a comfy ball and soon fell asleep.

I woke up and looked out the window. It was pitch dark outside. I came over to the twins house at 5:00 PM and now it was, I checked my phone, 1:30 AM. My mom must be worried sick about me. I texted her that I was sleeping over at the twins house and that I would be home tomorrow after school.

Grayson moved a little and then rubbed his eyes. I must of woken him up from my phone light.

Grayson was probably half asleep because I felt his warm muscular arms wrap around me. I dropped my phone on the floor and cuddled him back.

It was very comforting. It kind of reminded me of when Grayson, Ethan, and I where kids and we would all snuggle with each other after we all had a long day. I smiled thinking about it. I fell asleep really quickly after that.

I woke up to the sound of Grayson's alarm going off. Grayson slowly but surely released me from his arms.

"Good morning Grayson." I said, sitting up.

"Morning Eliza." Grayson said while sitting up too.

"I didn't expect to spend the night here, so I didn't bring any of my clothes for school today..."

"I can lend you some of mine."

I followed Grayson to his closet. He pulled out a white sweat shirt and some dark gray sweat pants.

"Here you go" Grayson said handing them to me. "I won't look." Grayson turned around.

I quickly changed.

"You can turn around now Grayson."

Grayson turned around admiring me for a second, then he went into his closet to pick out his outfit for the day.

I put my hair into a messy ponytail not really caring what people would think of me at school. I already looked weird because Grayson's sweat shirt and pants where way to big for me. I slipped on my black vans that I had on yesterday.

Grayson came out of his closet wearing a New Jersey Devils hockey jersey, black adidas pants, and white vans. His hair was messy. He went into the bathroom and jelled up his hair a little. He came back out.

"Let's go downstairs and find Ethan." Grayson said waving his hand to tell me to come.

We went downstairs and there Ethan was standing by the front door.

"Come on already. We're going to be late to school." Ethan said frustrated.

Grayson threw me an apple from across the room. I caught it, and headed out the door.

School went by really fast. I talked a lot to Tyler in 2nd period. Tyler was really funny and sweet.

Grayson was in my 4th and 5th period class. Ethan was also in my 5th period class, but also in my 3rd period class too.

At lunch, Abigail, Ella, and my other two close friends Skylar, Megan and I went to Fisher's Diner. Fisher's Diner was a small local diner that has really good milkshakes. Like I mean the best milkshakes ever.

When I got home from school, I immediately crashed into my living room couch and turned on Friends, my favorite TV show of all time.

I thought about doing my homework first, but decided to do it later even though that's what I did last night, and I never got to it. Screw it. I don't care. Homework's pointless.

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