Chapter 17: Accident

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The Next Morning


Me: let's talk?
Abigail: why?
Me: you know why
Abigail: i don't know if i wanna talk
Me: please
Abigail: later
Me: by later you mean tomorrow?
Abigail: just later

I threw my phone on my bed in frustration.

"Whatever." I whispered.

It was Saturday so at least I didn't have to see her today. I wanted the day to myself so I could just chill.

I walked to my closet and pulled a black sweatshirt over my pajama shirt and put on some grey sweatpants. I put my hair into a messy bun and decided to be makeup free today.

I went downstairs and turned on Friends, then ordered pizza for breakfast. I know, the dream breakfast.

I felt my phone buzz, anxious to see who it was.

Ella: let's hang
Me: vegging out at my house, have pizza coming. welcome to join
Ella: let's actually do something
Me: well i have pizza coming so i can't leave now
Ella: i'll come over and help you finish the pizza once it comes then we can do something
Me: k

About ten minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. Pizza or Ella.

I opened the door and saw Ella.

"Omg." Her eyes went wide.

"What?" I questioned.

"You look like a mess."

"I know." I chuckled.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs to my room.

She raided my closet and ended up picking a yellow adidas crop top, black jean shorts, and white slip on vans for me to wear.

"Seriously? I'm dressed fine." I raised my eyebrows.

"You're not going in public with that on. Well at least when you're with me." She crossed her arms.

"Fine." I laughed at her silliness then changed.

I came out and she french braided my hair while I did my makeup.

"Perfect." She smiled.

We heard the door bell ring and raced downstairs.

"Beat ya." She smirked and opened the door.

She grabbed the pizza and set it down on the kitchen counter.

She was eyeing down a slice but before she could pick it up, I grabbed it.

"Hey!" She shot her head up towards me.

"Sorry." I smiled while taking a bite of the pizza.

She grabbed the pizza and held it above her head.

"You really think that's going to work?" I crossed my arms laughing.

She shrugged while smiling.

I grabbed it from her hand easily because I was taller than her. I was about 5'7 and she was about 5'5.

"Sorry that you're short." I teased her.

"Hey! I'm not that short."

"Sure." I sarcastically agreed.

We both stared laughing and eventually she just grabbed another slice. We didn't finish the pizza so we put the rest in the fridge for later.

"So what are we going do?" I asked.

"Movie theatre and shopping?" She suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." I started walking to the door.

"Wait." She said.

I turned around to face her.

"The movie theatre and the mall next to it is miles away. We're not walking." She said.

"Well let's drive." I suggested.

"We're 14, Eliza. We can't." She acted if I were stupid.

"It's fine, my parents taught me how to drive and I promise we'll be safe."

"Uhh." Ella said still debating.

"Come on. It's fine." I grabbed her wrist and my parents car keys.

I dragged her out side to the car and hopped into the drivers seat. She just stood outside the door to the passengers seat.

I honked the horn which made her jump a little. I rolled down the window.

"Get in loser." I said.

She finally did and we stared driving. I swerved on the road a little to freak her out.

"STOP!" Her eyes widened.

"I'm just playing, relax." I looked at her laughing.

"NO, STOP!" She scream, pointing to the road.

I looked and saw a black car heading directly at us.

"SHIT!" I yelled and turned my steering wheel the other way, but I was to late. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was going to happen next.

I felt a force slam into the side of our car. My head snapped back, giving me whiplash. The car tumbled onto its side then upside down. I felt every pebble it went over. My eyes started to feel heavy as everything became dark.

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