Seatmates • MiChaeng

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Do you like your seatmates in your school? Do you talk a lot to the point that the teacher scolds you? Do you share foods, papers, pens, pencils and even answers? If your answers is yes, you must be really close...

The case is not the same with me. It's not that I hate Chaeyoung, it's just... All she does is draw and draw and draw. And she hides her drawing from me. From everyone. We only talk if needed but if not, then silence overtakes us.

I sit at the end of the right side, beside the window so Chaeyoung is my only seatmate.

I just took out my phone and started playing. Class hasn't started yet but we can't stand up from our seats anymore because Jeongyeon will scold us, she's the president of our class.

"There are lot of things that I could've forgot, why does it have to be my eraser?" I heard Chaeyoung groaned

I have an eraser but... Whatever... Aish! I took out my eraser and give it to her. She looked at it and accepted it.

"Thanks." She said and went back to her drawing

Ah, my game is getting boring. It's because I'm too good at this!

I just turned off my phone... Maybe I should open a topic for her?

"What are you drawing?" I asked

She raised her head and looked at me...

"Come on, I let you used my eraser so answer my question."

She smiled and closed her sketch pad. "This sketch pad is full of everything that I really love."

"Really? Well, why do you draw them?"

"Because I don't know if I can have them. So I just draw them to make myself feel better."

And then the professor came.


I went to the library to do my assignments and guess what? The library is full and the only vacant seat is... Beside Chaeyoung.

I grabbed my notebook and the book that I needed for my assignment. Then I sat next to her... She's still drawing.

"Still drawing?"

She flinched and closed her sketch pad.

"Oh, it's you." She said nervously. "Did you saw my drawing?"

I shook my head and she sighed in relief... I just ignored her and do my homework.


After almost an hour, I finally finished my homework and I noticed that Chaeyoung isn't drawing anymore. She's not doing anything...

"Why did you stopped drawing?" I asked

"Because you're here."

"Then why didn't you just leave?"

"Because I want to draw."

"Whatever Son." I scoffed

"Chaeyoung, can you bring this books to the chemical lab?" A professor carrying a pile of books asked

Chaeyoung politely nodded and followed the professor's favor. She... She didn't bring her sketch pad with her...

I probably shouldn't touch it.

"It's time students, I need to close the library now." The librarian announced

I fixed my stuffs and stood up. Wait, how about Chaeyoung's stuffs?

"Jihyo, can you bring Chaeyoung's bag to the chemical lab?" The professor asked

I grabbed the sketch pad to give it to Jihyo but... She already left... Maybe I should just wait in the main gate?

I went to the main gate with Chaeyoung's sketch pad in my hand. She should be here any minute now... But after a few minutes, she still didn't arrived.

"If you won't be here in 10 seconds, then I'll open your sketch pad..." I whispered as if Chaeyoung can hear me. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2... 1. That's it."

I opened the sketch pad and saw a drawing of... Me? I turned the pages and the drawings were all me. Until the last page. The last page is a drawing of me holding my eraser and it has a caption above it. "You're my everything Myoui Mina."

T- this can't be...


"Hey Chaeyoung, here's your bag." Jihyo said and gave my bag to me

"The library closed already?" I asked and she nodded

Well, it was time- MY SKETCH PAD!

"D- did you see a sketch pad in the library?" I asked her

"I didn't notice any sketch pad there."

"How about Mina? Was she still there when you left?"

"Uhm, yes. I was the first one who left."

Then I ran as fast I could to the library. Please don't look at my sketch pad Mina... I reached the library and saw no one... If she's not here, then where?! Think Chaeyoung, think!

Classroom! I ran again as fast as I could to our classroom. I bumped into other students but I didn't bother them. My priority right now is finding my sketch pad!

I reached our classroom. There was no Mina, I only saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Damn, where is that girl?!

I panted and sat on the ground. Is it the end of my world now?

"Woah, Chaeyoung! You okay?" Jeongyeon approached me

"Where's Mina?" I asked and continued panting

"I think she went home already."

"Fuck." I cursed. "I'll be going home then. Bye."

I walked to the main gate and saw a familiar figure... It's Mina! And she's looking at my sketch pad! I ran and took it from her.

"C- Chaeyoung." She stuttered nervously

"You saw nothing, r-right?" I asked nervously as my hands shake

"I saw everything..." Fuck shit. "Since when Chaeyoung? Since when did you have feelings for me?"

Should I confess now? But I'm scared, she might reject me... She already knows the truth though... WHATEVER!

"Mina, I started to like you- uhm no, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you." Those were the only words I was able to say because of my too much nervousness

"Chaeyoung..." A tear escaped her eyes and my heart started to ache. "I'm sorry, but I'm already in love with Sana."

"I'm sorry, but I'm already in love with Sana."

"I'm sorry, but I'm already in love with Sana."

"I'm sorry, but I'm already in love with Sana."

My heart broke to pieces. It really is the end of my world, isn't it? I ran once again, faster than earlier but this time, I don't know where my feet is going to take me. I just keep on running until two beams of light caught my attention as I heard a loud honk coming from the car in front of me. I couldn't do anything. My body stiffened and just waited to be hit by the car. My visions blurred. I slowly closed my eyes with one person on my mind. 'Mina... I hope you'll be happy with Sana.'


T H E      E N D


The next update will be They All Want Me (Part 2) • Mina. Mina will choose one of the members!

Love lots. Thanks for reading my one shots and your votes are highly appreciated.

What is LOVE?😍

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