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After Namjoon entered his room, he looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't like what he saw. He knew that what he saw was exactly what he read on Twitter. He saw 'fat'.

Namjoon wanted to get rid of it. So he got on his laptop, and started typing on Google, "ways to lose weight fast".

"This should be easy" he said to himself.

The website, that he clicked, said to keep track of your calorie intake. Drink lots of water, to exercise regularly. And if it helps, to try to keep a food dairy.

With that Namjoon started looking for a empty notebook, and started writing.

Exercise: 2 hours worth of running

Water: 1 20oz bottle


Namjoon thought about it. Then he realized, he hasn't eaten anything for the entire day. So he just left the space for 'eating' empty.

"Hey, if I can last all day without eating, I wonder if I could last all day tomorrow. " he wondered.

He looked at the time. 11:30pm.
He hadn't noticed that he had been on the website for so long.

"The guys must be asleep, by now. I wonder i should just stay up. It's not like I have any thing better to do."
Thought Namjoon.

Namjoon ended up, staying awake till 4:00 am. He only got 2 hours of sleep. But with those 2 hours, he had a bad nightmare.

"No. No. Stay away from me!" Screamed Namjoon, in his sleep. Waking up the other members.

"No! You can't! Stay away from them. Pease! No. No. Please stop. No! No!

"Wake him up, Hobi," whispered Tae.

"Why me? Why can't it be Jin, or Yoongi."asked Hobi.

"Leave! No. You can't do this!"yelled Namjoon, now shaking and drenched in sweat. "Someone help! Please! Anyone! *scream*

Finally Jin came in with a glass of cold water. And splashed it on Namjoon.
Namjoon still terrified, stude up, covered in sweat, and in tears.

He didn't notice that the other members. We're in the room. So after a few minutes of crying, he calmed himself down. And went back to sleep.

The other members were still trying to figure out why Namjoon was having a nightmare, in the first place. Since he never had any. They were also curious, on how he didn't notice that they were I his room. Hugging him tightly, calming the terrified man.

"I don't think that he saw us, did he?"wondered Hobi.

"Yea," said Jimin. "After Jin-hyung, splashed water on him, he just stude there.  Frozen. Clearly terrified"

"I wonder what it was about," questioned Jin.

"It must have been something serious, and truly terrifying. Since Namjoon never has nightmares. Or yells in his sleep."said Yoongi.

"He looks fine, now." Whispered Jungkook. "Maybe we can leave him, and go back to sleep.

The members agreed and left Namjoon's room, without saying a word.

Namjoon tossed an turned, but didn't yell in his sleep anymore. But after his nightmare, he was still terrified. He couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. He just layed there staring at his ceiling. Still in tears.

I Feel Empty(Kim Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now