Love you all

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(5 years later)

"Happy 5 year anniversary, baby" Jimin said kissing Yoongi

"Has it really been 5 years since we got married? Wow."Yoongi joked

"So how are you guys planning on celebreating?" Jungkook asked playing with Tae's hair

"I actually don't know. How are we celebrating? Jimin asked

"I don't know. I was thinking we could go down to the beach or something."Yoongi replied

"So much fun"Jimin laughed

"When is Jin and Namjoon Hyung, conning home? It's so boring without Namjoon and Jin arguing about noodles"Tae laughed

"They went out shopping "Jin said walking through the door with hands full of shopping bags.

"Wow Jin. What did you buy"Jimin said helping carrying the bags.

"Just some cloths, shoes, and a new phone, since some one dropped theirs in the fountain at the food court"Jin said looking at Namjoon

"It wasn't my fault. The guy in the hat pushed me. And my phone fell." Namjoon whined

"Hey, we're planning on going to the beach later, do you guys wanna come?"Yoongi asked

"Yea sure"Jin answered

"Oh yeah, happy anniversary Jimin and Yoongi."Namjoon said.

"Thanks"Yoonmin said

"Where's Hobi?"Jin asked

"Still sleeping"Jungkook said


"Namjoon what are you doing?"Jungkook asked watching Namjoon hold a bunch of crabs in his hands

"Playing with crabs"

"Your weird."

"That's what I said when I first met you."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

They both laughed at their petty argument.

"Yoongi, look a starfish!"Jimin yelled

"Cool. Cool."Yoongi said not even looking up from his beach mat, sunglass, and phone

Then al of a sudden, Hobi and Tae come behind him, and pour a bucket of water,sand, and seaweed on Yoongi' s head

"What the fuck!?! Yoongi yelled. Starting chasing Tae and Hobi

After a few hours of playing, throwing sand, and splashing water on each other faces, everyone sat on the peer. Looking at the sunset .

"Wow. It's beautiful."Tae said laying on Jungkook lap.

"Yeah. It really is."Jimin said cuddling next to Yoongi.

"You know, when you look into something with amazing beauty, you slowly start to see glimps of that beauty in everything we see. Like for instance, since we are all looking at the sunset, we see amazing beauty. But that is because we have already seen something with beauty more powerful than a sunset on beach." Namjoon said looking at Jin. Who blushed.

And to end it all Hobi said,

"My dear best friends, I love you all."


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The ending sucks. Alot. But I honestly don't care any more. I've basically giving up on life.  Thanks you to the reader who have actually stayed while I wrote this book.❤

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