Chapter 14

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Earlier,with Mahiru.

  It was after Belkia teleported and separated them away. Licht was still with Tetsu,but here he was, alone.

  The townspeople still weren't back,so he guessed that they were actually still being evacuated.

  He sighed,and glanced around.His eyes darted around the area he was currently in.

  He was still in the same town,that's for sure,as there were still old-timely structures around,and some were familiar.

  However,no sign of human-beings at all.

  He groaned,and got back on his tired feet.

  He guessed that it wouldn't hurt to search for the running fountain,where he and Lawless met,right?

  After all,it was the simplest thing to do,as that was the only place he was actually familiar of,not even his house the Woman rented to him for free,Lucy.

  And Licht and Tetsu May be smart enough to know that he would be going there.

  After 1 hour and 20 minutes,and also around the time Mikuni escaped from the mansion,and Mikuni was already getting near the town.

  Finding the fountain was simpler said than done.

  Or was it easier said than done?

  Whatever,he liked the word 'Simply' and 'Simpler' more,so he sticked with the first phrase.

  Anyways,the town was full of twists and turns, so he really had a hard time. But after 'Trial and Error', he finally managed to reach the correct fountain..

..His simple and warm heart hoped.

He sighed,and glanced around again. He didn't spot any Blondes or Ravenettes with a streak of white on the side at all during his inexplicable and tedious journey there.

But maybe,they were on their way there!

Now all he gotta do is wait..

"That's it,I'm bored."

..Until the boredom kicks in.

Okay,that was a bit too soon,don't y'all think?

He decided to get on his feet,and started to explore the area around him,making sure that he didn't stray too far from the fountain at all.

He wondered if this was how Kuro felt like when he didn't have his games and stuff,because it really was troublesome to feel.He didn't feel productive at all.

Okay,now even his choice of speech was becoming somewhat like Kuro's.

Damn it.

  "Damn it..Licht,Tetsu.Do you all even know where I am,or even heading there now,or are you both still procrastinating?What a pain,this is so troublesome.."

  Well shit.

  He really does sound like Kuro now.

After 20 minutes.

  Mikuni had been running for at least 30 minutes now in the forest,and he swore that he has already run one mile long.

  He didn't even think that he had this much stamina at all.

  He was currently trying to outrun the Servamps who made him heartbroken,while carrying his Abel-Doll on his shoulder.

  The Servamps were catching up though,with Sleepy Ash and Lawless groaning that they couldn't do this any longer,and that they were already tired.

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