Chapter 15

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  (A/N:Would someone please look at the video above.





Dies of fangirling —)

"..Mahiru/Mikuni..? "

  Both of the two Eves said at the same time,in shock and relief. Their eyes were widened,and their mouths were gaping open like a fish breathing sea water in for dissolved oxygen.

  Mikuni was the first to snap out of his daze,and tackled Mahiru for a death-like hug,"MAHIMAHI-KUN!"

  Mahiru gasped for air,and Mikuni knew that it was time to stop his hug,or Mahiru would seriously die of asphyxiation.

Mahiru took a while before catching his breath back. His chest palpitated,and he was gasping for air from that deathly-hug. Slowly,his chest calmed down to a more reassuring pace.

He sighed and ruffled his auburn hair with his pale hand,"I thought I was going to die.."

"Ehehe..Sorry about that,MahiMahi.." Mikuni scratched the back of his hair sheepishly,and Mahiru stared at him for awhile.

  Mahiru cheered up and grinned,"Mikuni!I didn't expect that I'd see you here!"

  "Me neither,MahiMahi!I'm so lucky that I'm not alone now!" Mikuni exclaimed gleefully,and Mahiru rose an eyebrow at that.

"Wait,so does that mean.."

  "Hm?What is it,MahiMahi?"

  "You've been alone this whole time..?!" Mahiru shook the shoulders of Mikuni,and Mikuni became giddy.

  "M-MahiMahi..please,stop.." Mikuni barely managed to say that,as he was talking in a hushed tone due to his giddiness.

  Mahiru got the memo,and stopped shaking him, much to the gratefulness of the Eve of the Servamp of Envy.

  "Answer my question,Mikuni," Mahiru said sternly, almost like a mother reprimanding her son for going out to play without her permission.

  Mikuni meekly nodded at that.

  "WHAT?!But I saw you with Misono and Izuna!" Mahiru pointed out.

  Mikuni laughed sheepishly,"Ah..that..I got separated from them..Don't ask me how,and I some how arrived here..But hey,at least I've got you, MahiMahi!"

  He placed an arm over Mahiru's shoulders,and they both laughed.

  This was when the Servamps finally reached the town,but were still at the hill/forest,but could still see them nonetheless.

  "Where is that Mikuni?" Old Child questioned as he shadowed his eyes with his hand just to be able to see through the sun from the forest.

  World End stayed at the mansion,and gave the excuse that he would be guarding it,even though it's 1 mile away from human civilisation.

  So he wasn't there with the Servamps.

  "I spotted him,he's there," Mother announced, and pointed at a certain spot.All eyes directed themselves to the spot Mother was pointing at.

  "Huh?There's someone else.." All of Love pointed out.

  Sleepy Ash and Lawless's mouths were agape.It was a familiar brunette that both of them had seen, tried to catch and were familiar with.

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